Nichole Betts

York, PA, United States

Mar 26 at 03:03 PM

♥︎999♥︎ you and me both! I see now why they say to know true Joy you must know sorrow. I was in that victim mindset for many years. “ of course I get high look at what happened to me”, “ you would get high too, if those things happen to you”, blah blah blah. It was this exact shift in my perception, that allowed me to get to a place of feeling empowered by my experiences and able to help others who are going through or have been through similar circumstances who are ready to heal! ❤️

Mar 26 at 02:59 PM

Thank you! I feel sincerely honored to be able to share them with you guys. My personal experiences in relation have been so profound in so many ways, and on so many levels. If this post serves no other purpose than to get the information out there to you guys, I am happy to do just that. If you have any questions at all, I’m happy to answer them to the best of my ability. I am not the founder of them, but my teacher is. I was recently blessed with the honor of becoming a mastering the masters practitioner. ❤️


Mar 26 at 02:55 PM

You and me both! I mean, of course, there are tons of other modalities out there, but these, for me personally have had the most significant and profound impact. I believe it’s because they work on all three aspects of our overall being. The shifts are so powerful and soFAST! It’s intelligent energy, so you can either ask that it be integrated with ease and grace, or you can ask it to hit you like a ton of bricks, and it will do exactly that! I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “be careful what you wish for”? I wasn’t ready! 😂 Definitely learned the hard way and slept for a day or so!


Mar 26 at 01:41 PM

Wow. Thank you so much! ❤️



Mar 26 at 01:39 PM

Looking for some feedback guys! I hope this is OK. If not, please feel free to remove it.
So I reached out recently to UNIFYD’s TV team to ask if they would consider featuring the MOST PROFOUND modality I have personally experienced to date!
So I was thinking, and decided what better way to see if our community is interested than to post a description! So here goes:
Sacred Activations come directly from the creator of all that is (God, source), ascended masters (Lord Metatron, Moses, Jesus), and many other universal/galactic sources (Lira, Arcturians), and the list goes on and on!
They work through what is described as meta-programming the human bio-computer. From what I have discovered and been shown; although our mind, body, and soul work together to create our human experience, the subconscious mind has much control over the other two as well as our experiences. More simply put - our thoughts become things. Meaning that, what we think about, consciously or not, we will eventually experience.
Sacred Activations work through removing low vibrational, energy and belief systems and replacing them with higher vibrational, energy and belief systems. Helping us reach our highest good both individually and collectively.
I’ll explain further. You see, what I have learned is that humans operate very much the same way that a computer does. Between the ages of 0-7 our “programs” are downloaded a.k.a. our subconscious mind is formed. Sacred Activations work a lot like a software programmer, in that they remove low vibrational/outdated/negative energy and belief systems or “programs” that are keeping us stuck and unable to reach our highest potential and replace them with higher vibrational energy/belief systems or “programs”. In turn, helping not only we as individuals reach our highest potential, but also helping us reach our highest potential as the UNIFYD consciousness we truly are!
Many of them work to activate our sacred geometry, strands of DNA, and a more universal/galactic awareness of our reality.
Since beginning my healing journey, seven years ago, I have had the honor of becoming a Reiki master/teacher, angelic healing practitioner, chakra healing practitioner, and more. And I did all this as a means to heal from abuse, trauma, codependency, and addiction. All of these modalities are absolutely beautiful and they have been effective; but that being said, there is truly something so special and unique about Sacred Activations that I can say with my entire heart that I have hands-down experienced more shifts and healing through this modality than any other!
So what do ya’ll think? Is this something ya’ll feel like you would like to learn more about or possibly have access to? If so, please let me know!!
Sending y’all MUCH LOVE ALWAYS!


Mar 26 at 12:33 PM

I bawled my eyes out when this man came up to speak! I felt like I was right there healing with him! ❤️❤️❤️


Mar 26 at 12:31 PM

All just lessons happening for you! ❤️❤️❤️

It was very well put together! I watched from home and cried, laughed, and profoundly shifted my perspective! I heard so much validation surrounding my beliefs about addiction and the approaches to recovery that have been in place for many years that are keeping people stuck in that viscous cycle! I genuinely believe I found my purpose with that validation and inspiration! A new approach to recovery that does NOT include calling yourself an addict/alcoholic over and over, that informs people of the true nature of reality and the way our minds work along with energy work, proper nutrition and Dharma/SMART Recovery! I am making this happen! ❤️❤️❤️


Mar 26 at 12:24 PM

Yezzzir!! ❤️❤️❤️
