Nichole Betts

York, PA, United States

Feb 02 at 01:19 PM

Sacred activations is also a phenomenal, very powerful modality that I would love to share with everyone!!! Of all the energy healing modalities that I have been attuned to and certified in, it has been the ABSOLUTE MOST profound for me!!

Feb 02 at 01:05 PM

I would love To be a part of a community that focuses on holistic ways to recover from addiction!!


Jan 27 at 07:54 PM

♡999♡ Absolutely! I used to feel like western society was so far advanced… pffft, boy was I mistaken. I couldn’t have been more brainwashed myself for such a large amount of my life. I am just sincerely grateful that I’m able to see through all of the nonsense now. I have never felt so validated as I did when I watched the Disclosure series… I can’t even truly explain it. I felt like FINALLY, I’m NOT crazy and I’m NOT the only one… it is Phenomenal information!


Jan 27 at 04:02 PM

I personally believe that most “mental health diagnoses” are spiritual in nature, or stem from unhealed trauma, spiritual attachments, etc. In many indigenous tribes when members of the tribe start to hear voices, receive visions etc., typically the tribes medicine man/woman or shaman will take them under their wing and teach them how to properly discern and use those gifts. In Western Culture when we don’t fully understand things we unfortunately become fearful, label them, and feed them a pill or 10. It’s so inhumane in so many ways. I truly hope that eventually we adopt a method that is more spiritual and loving in nature. We are surrounded by ways to heal all of those things naturally; if only more people would be aware and open to those solutions, as opposed to methods that keep those folks who are suffering, doing exactly that - suffering. Most of the medications out there are the equivalent of putting a band-aid on a festering sore and hoping it will heal.

Replied on Helping others

Dec 18 at 07:14 PM

I have been both of those things, and still am one of those things. Please let me know if I can help in any way.


Commented on Helping others

Dec 18 at 07:14 PM

ALWAYS!! ❤️❤️❤️


Nov 12 at 08:51 PM

I’m really looking forward to watching this tonight! Ever since watching the first episode of Disclosure, I have been spending most of my free time soaking up all of the knowledge that I can within all of the series on UNIFYD. I believe the work you and TLS are doing is absolutely priceless, and I admire you all and your work very much! Sending so much love to you all. ♥️♥️♥️