Nichole Betts

York, PA, United States

Mar 06 at 07:23 AM

Shane Vogt Thank you… I’m getting ready to apply for that now. I sure hope I find something I’m a single mom and I was supposed to be moving this weekend. If anything, this is inspired me even further to create an entirely new program of recovery. One that doesn’t keep people sick by claiming that they are an addict or an alcoholic, over and over and over again. Part of me feels like working in treatment centers for the last two years has just shown me everything recovery shouldn’t be.


Mar 06 at 07:15 AM

Shane Vogt I am pretty sure it’s illegal as well. That’s why I’m so dumbfounded. Not to mention I’m not the one that wanted to play it. They asked me to. How does that even make sense and I’m not leaving anything out I’m not Over exaggerating, or under exaggerating, I’m stating exactly what happened.


Mar 06 at 07:14 AM

I was literally told that two of the guys from the group that I was running came downstairs and were freaking out stating they were extremely triggered because they felt as though I was pushing my belief systems on them.

Mind you I work at a drug and alcohol Rehab Center, and these guys will say anything to not have to sit through a group, because not all of them are truly interested in getting better. Even those that are interested, tend to get triggered over the smallest of things because they are feeling things that they haven’t felt in a very long time…. emotions. But I didn’t even mention showing the video! A few of them asked me if I would! I told them that if everyone was interested in seeing it I would play it. Upon asking, only one guy was hesitant, and asked what it was about. I explained, and he said “OK cool I’ll give it a shot. I’m open minded” - two hours later I was fired. I’ve never sued anyone but I’m outraged!


Mar 05 at 06:12 PM

Fun fact: I literally just lost my job for playing the first episode of Disclosure. This happened after being asked to play the first episode by two of the guys in my group at the treatment center where I work.
After asking the entire group, if everyone was interested in seeing it, and only one of them being hesitant, and asking me what it was about. I simply said, it might challenge some belief systems and he said “OK cool I’ll check it out. I’m open minded”. He then chose to get up and leave the group and told me he had an appointment along with one other guy.
Fast forward two hours and I was called down to the directors office and told that I was being terminated for pushing my belief systems on people.
Can someone please explain to me how me being asked to play that video, and in response leaving it up to the group as a whole, equals me pushing my belief systems on our clients?
Seriously completely and utterly dumbfounded right now.


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Feb 16 at 12:43 PM


I have this hanging in my office at work at the Rehab as well as here at home. It is a beautifully gentle reminder for me every day and is my absolute favorite quote! Such PROFOUND TRUTH! Yet so simple. ❤️❤️❤️


Feb 06 at 12:38 PM

Is there any possible way to have assistance in finding one of the TLS affiliated monasteries in Tibet? I have always been very drawn to that area, and until recently recently had no idea why. I would like to set up a trip for myself in the somewhat near future to go over to Tibet and explore, and I would absolutely love to be able to visit one of the monasteries there. If anyone has any thoughts, opinions, or advice on this, I am completely open to any suggestions that anyone might have. Much love to you all! ❤️❤️❤️

Feb 06 at 10:09 AM

I understand. I think what keeps me from doubting him at all is the fact that he genuinely has nothing to gain from the information that he presents, and a hell of a lot to lose. Like his life, literally. That’s what makes it easier for me; not only that, but I alsofelt a bizarre feeling within myself while listening to him, that everything he disclosed in that series is what I’ve always felt and known to be true, but never heard anyone validate the information or bring it into other’s awareness (including my own conscious awareness) - so maybe it’s a little easier for me because of that as well.


Feb 05 at 06:03 PM

Actually, if you watch, I believe it’s the first or second episode of the Disclosure series; “Ray” states that the Earth is not flat, as he has seen it for himself from a craft that he was aboard during one of his missions through TLS. He shared that the Earth being round is one of the few things that NASA has been honest about. Diann Bottorff

Feb 05 at 05:52 PM

I cannot wait for this event!! I know with my whole entire heart that the impact will be tremendous!!

Feb 02 at 03:00 PM

Sacred Activations does exactly that! It helps to remove any limiting or low vibrational belief systems/energies and replaces them and plug you into higher vibrational belief systems/energies.
