Shane Vogt I am pretty sure it’s illegal as well. That’s why I’m so dumbfounded. Not to mention I’m not the one that wanted to play it. They asked me to. How does that even make sense and I’m not leaving anything out I’m not Over exaggerating, or under exaggerating, I’m stating exactly what happened.
Replied on Fun fact: I literally just lost my jo...
Mar 06 at 07:23 AM
Shane Vogt Thank you… I’m getting ready to apply for that now. I sure hope I find something I’m a single mom and I was supposed to be moving this weekend. If anything, this is inspired me even further to create an entirely new program of recovery. One that doesn’t keep people sick by claiming that they are an addict or an alcoholic, over and over and over again. Part of me feels like working in treatment centers for the last two years has just shown me everything recovery shouldn’t be.