Natasja Van der Linde

Sep 30 at 02:11 PM

World war 3 is actually the health care system, it makes sense. And to think it was an actual world war 3 between countries if makes sense to you

Since I got the vaccines, I got sick in my body. Never been a sick person in my life, liver problems, irritation in the Bowels and severe back pains, weight can't be lost, when I got flu, it was severe. I struggle to get back to where I was, I am 80-year-old stuck in a 35-year-old body. I tried cupping also it does help apparently; I only went once; what kind of detox is there that can be effective? I thank God my kids never got the vaccines.....

Sep 18 at 05:45 PM

Jesus (peace be upon him) was one of God's prophet's and the last prophet was Muhammed (peace be upon him) All of the prophets had different roles that was given, and these were prophets that were chosen. God never had a wife, and the Christians are brainwashed that even Jesus 9peace be upon him) is their Lord... That why I don't believe in the religion of Christianity, because it is all twisted and changed. There is even books missing from the Bible. You don't get the truth all of it.


Sep 18 at 05:37 PM

I am in Islam, and according to the Islamic religion, there is no such thing as reincarnation. I do have to admit a lot of my dreams where I see destruction happen and I am there, but I never get hurt or die. These dreams happened in my early 20's and I am now in my 30's what is happening right now and the year before with the climate changing it has become a reality. I had a lot of dreams of water and in most countries now there are many floods happening and earthquakes as well. Yes, Deja Vu is real. The Egyptians were very involved in the pyramids finding them and finding the graves with gold sculptures they don't speak about these.

In my depressed times in my high school years up to my early 20's I started drawing the one eye, I could never really draw anything else, one day a couple from the church saw my drawing against the wall, and they asked who drew this and my mom said, my daughter. So they advised me to stop drawing the one eye.