Bianca Bell-Chambers

Like yourself, I am an unique individual of the entire whole.

Apr 16 at 10:01 AM

Stephanie L Congratulations - you certainly deserve it. 🥳💫✨


Apr 16 at 09:55 AM

My mum used to say: "First the work, then the pleasure." She was very consistent in her own behaviour and in what she demanded of us children. This taught us discipline.

We learnt to think strategically by questioning whether what we were supposed to do made sense and thinking of ways to avoid things that made no sense to us. As she was very strict, we had to come up with really good approaches and arguments. That was learning for life.

For unavoidable things, the joy of the subsequent reward of doing nice things became the motivation to do unpleasant things first.


Replied on post was deleted

Apr 16 at 09:45 AM

It is from the Deep State Mapping Project.

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 16 at 09:44 AM

You can download it here for free for personal use in superb quality:

Apr 14 at 06:35 AM


Apr 12 at 05:12 PM

What if the financial scam, the governmental deceit, the so called "evil" souls are a reflection of collective consciousness that has gone astray?


Apr 12 at 05:07 PM

I want to know if you let me. If not, it is also okay.

Apr 12 at 02:45 PM

First of all, I would like to pass on what my inner self intuitively conveyed to me as a child, in one of the strongest forms of energy I ever experienced: "You are not alone, have trust. One day you will understand it all." This power was so strong that it helped me to continue living and to feel unshakeable trust in this inner energy.

We are the masters of our reality. We are not victims of our circumstances, but their creators. Duality is an illusion like time and space. We can recognise the purity of our essence when we recognise our ego is not our core. Our physical existence is the projection of our inner world outwards. We are so much more than our physical existence. We can see the unity of everything when we look inside.

Creation is based on constructive creativity. Our thoughts, our intentions and our expectations help us to shape the reality we experience. Love has the power to see through all and to recognise the truth of our being. ❤️❤️❤️


Apr 07 at 03:52 AM

Benjamin Sitar There is so much you can do to support your healing, and it costs little or nothing. The most important thing is that you expect yourself to heal and work on it. Don't expect it from others, because illnesses have a purpose.

In 1996 I was given a maximum life expectancy of 10 years, just like you. I asked my doctor at the time if there was anyone who had been cured and he said no. Then I'll be the first, I told him. You see I'm still alive. I was coerced into chemo & co, which made everything worse. I studied alternative medicine and tried everything possible on myself to alleviate my suffering.

The fact is, nothing helps as well as your own inner attitude, your unwavering trust in self-healing and your own energy that makes this possible. If you wish, I can help you to find these powers within yourself and utilise them.


Apr 04 at 04:11 PM

UNIFYD TV Pranic healing is something I studied during my alternative medicine studies. It is different from that, more origin, natural, inherited. Something that slumbers in all of us.
