Bianca Bell-Chambers

Like yourself, I am an unique individual of the entire whole.

Mar 14 at 05:42 PM

You speak as if my soul were yours. I feel you and I am not you. You are like me, but you are not me. I feel your soul, your being, your essence. We are one, but individual parts of the same whole. You are like a brother, a lost twin that I have found. Your awareness flows through my blood and yet I cannot express it as well as you, Jason. I can feel what others feel and yet my expression does not come through clearly. But it works in the unconscious and so we connect across boundaries that do not even exist. I love you as you love me and we love each other and the world. Thank you Jason for touching so many hearts. ❤️

Mar 13 at 04:59 PM

Thank you Jason for helping humanity in so many ways and especially supporting the raising of the frequency for everyone and everything by simply being who you are and showing others how to become their true selves. 😘❤️🥰


Mar 07 at 04:38 AM

Thank you for your honest opinion! I understand your point of view and I prefer to exchange knowledge for knowlege. From observations I conclude that people sometimes have a higher appreciation when they pay for it. The system is designed this way and it has an effect. Do not let that effect work against you.

On the other hand, it's also fair to say that the hotel, the team, the speakers... want money for their services and nobody can expect Jason/Unifyd to finance this from their private assets.

If it is not just the system that bothers you, but also the lack of money, then make a conscious decision not to be a victim of the lack of money from now on. Be convinced of this and expect nothing other than a corresponding result without clinging to it. That can change a lot.


Mar 05 at 12:37 AM


I wonder if Ray's action with Nathaniel Rothchild last year has anything to do with Snowden's prediction. Many believe it was the US, but Ray was in Europe. I don't remember Ray saying the country in question was part of the EU.

So it could also mean an independent country outside the EU with its own currency, like Liechtenstein/Switzerland and enclaves, the UK. Within the EU as a strategically important country would be Germany, but I don't think they would dare to take this step without the approval of the US and they don't have their own currency.

Within the EU would be small countries like Sweden, Denmark with their own currencies. It remains exciting, even if the two cases have nothing to do with each other.


Mar 04 at 09:37 AM

@Cyndy ghysel I fully agree that it is something, we have to get used to on a conscious level. We are already communicating via telepathy subconsciously. Our cells are communicating, every atome and molecule. How else would we form bodies and physical constructs? Too many times we do not express what we really think because of fear. If we do not express ourselves in a natural way, we become ill.

What I do not agree with is an artificial network with a "brain" cloud. We can do that much better ourselves. The main obstacle to develop our latent capabilities is fear. Once we can perceive ourselves as the eternal beings that we are, we are not afraid of death, our actions will be based on love and trust, not on fear anymore. If we are not afraid to express ourselves as the individuals that we are, we will realise how valuable all those different perspectives of our oneness are.

Mar 01 at 02:22 PM

Thank you for giving me a smile! 😃I love when people are honest and wish we were so far advanced that we no longer had to hide behind outward appearances, because telepathically everyone would consciously perceive the thoughts and feelings of others anyway.


Mar 01 at 02:17 PM

Physical death does not mean we are gone. We are married to flesh as long as we are here, but we are not defined by our bodies. Our energy transforms. It does not get lost. Technically, a part of our human being dies with every cell that dies within our body. Millions of cells are dying within a fraction of a second while new cells are born, all having their own consciousness. In this way, we are constantly reborn and never remain the same, even if we do not even consciously realise it. Every cell in the body is home to numerous microbes with their own consciousness, which combine synergistically with us to form our body. How exciting is that?


Mar 01 at 11:49 AM

Yep, just want to add that if someone supports people on a big scale, it costs money which that person might not have. In that case, money has to come from somewhere and it is only fair to let people who benefit from events share the costs. Nobody needs a Guru or a Master because everything one needs comes from within.


Mar 01 at 11:38 AM

Wo aus Deutschland kommst Du her? Bin aus NRW, jetzt in SH und Schweden.

Mar 01 at 11:13 AM

CB Coming from multidimensionality, I am currently on earth a lot. 😂✨🌍
