Bianca Bell-Chambers

Like yourself, I am an unique individual of the entire whole.

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Feb 22 at 09:21 AM

This is AI's answer to that:

The FBI Little Boy Lover logo, also known as the “pedophile symbol,” is a triangular spiral swirl within a heart shape, which has been associated with pedophilia and child sexual exploitation. This symbol was reportedly used by individuals involved in pedophile networks to discreetly identify each other and communicate their interests in children. The FBI identified this symbol as one of several symbols used by pedophiles to recognize each other online and in the real world.

On the other hand, the Spiral of Life is a universal symbol representing growth, evolution, and the journey of life. It is a geometric pattern that appears in various forms in nature and has been used in different cultures and spiritual traditions to symbolize continuity, expansion, and interconnectedness. The Spiral of Life is often associated with concepts such as birth, growth, transformation, and the cyclical nature of existence.

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Feb 22 at 02:41 AM

The paedo sign is a triangle with the opening on the bottom. The spiral of life is round and a geometric form of nature, while the triangle is an artificial variation.

Feb 17 at 12:57 PM

In which country are you living?

Feb 17 at 12:53 PM

Living in nature, surrounded by forests, lakes and animals, without sacrificing the comfort we are used to, but in harmony with nature and the beautiful sounds of the surroundings, is perfect. I am now travelling more inside myself than outside. Physical life feels like a limited version of dream reality. On the one hand, I experience many things very intensely, but on the other, I feel more like an observer of this world.


It is difficult to say what my strongest skill is. It depends on what I am focussing and concentrating on at the time.

Sometimes it is as if my inner self is leading me there. Intuition and spontaneous knowing is probably one of my strongest abilities.

On the other hand, I sometimes feel like I am on the verge of solving all the questions, but there is a wall in front of it that I have not yet been able to break through properly.

Jan 02 at 05:53 PM

My intentions in 2024 are to volunteer more intensively again to support people who are in poor health and mental condition and who have been let down by our dysfunctional systems and cannot afford alternative treatment/counselling.

Another intention is to enjoy nature and be outdoors more and use less electronics.

I would also like to engage more with my spiritual side again in order to help restore balance.


Dec 02 at 12:18 PM

There are various digital tools that you can use like Healy, Klangei, Biomedi, Omnipemf, Spooky2 Scalar... I have also had very good experiences with crystals, singing bowls and tuning forks and, above all, inner self-healing via mental power.

You can connect with your environment communicate with your body, your cells and all the units of consciousness on and in your body and environment, also with the earth energy. Have you tried to absorb energy and send it where you need healing while visualising that it is already healed?

You can perform sound and incense rituals or attach good vibrations to objects you value. I also find autosuggestions great, such as "I only react to constructive influences".

Nov 18 at 08:55 AM

Yes, agree - observe & listen more, judge less


Nov 18 at 03:49 AM

Very interesting topics that Jason uncovers. Thank you all who made that possible! Much sounds familiar. You probably all have experienced some unexplainable things in one or another way. When you remember your own dreams, you probably have been outside this planet in other spiritual and physical realities.

In my belief system, everything you can think of or feel does exist in some way. Otherwise you could not think of it or feel it. Everything you dream or imagine exists, otherwise you would not experience it. But also in the awaken state, you can see magic everywhere.

Let us do some magic together. Let us use our collective consciousness to form the reality that we want to see. Hopefully you all agree that it is one of joy and love and happiness. ✨❤️😃

Nov 18 at 03:46 AM

Very interesting topics that Jason uncovers. Thank you all who made that possible! Much sounds familiar. You probably all have experienced some unexplainable things in one or another way. When you remember your own dreams, you probably have been outside this planet in other spiritual and physical realities.

In my belief system, everything you can think of or feel does exist in some way. Otherwise you could not think of it or feel it. Everything you dream or imagine exists, otherwise you would not experience it. But also in the awaken state, you can see magic everywhere.

Let us do some magic together. Let us use our collective consciousness to form the reality that we want to see. Hopefully you all agree that it is one of joy and love and happiness. ✨❤️ 😃