Steve Pariseau

Jun 16 at 06:51 PM

I know this dreamscape as Jason describes to be true. Personally, I had a breakthrough just last week. I set the intention during the daytime to have ALL versions of me across all timelines, densities,  and dimensions undergo the ascension of consciousness process for my highest good and the highest good of all. That night my dream deposited a highest version of me alongside or maybe inside a low level dense version me. I was in a warehouse and I did  something absolutely awful. A two way convo ensued where higher me shouted "What the FRICK are you doing?" and lower me had the excuse of "well, I could, its no big deal." Higher me says "We don't EVER do that for any excuse. Stop right now and never do that or anything like it ever again." So there's that. Then last night was a dream where I was purposefully buying a home in a bad neighborhood in order to assist in the raising of the overall vibration and healing of the area and consciousness around me. That was uncomfortable. Mind blown

This show is unwatchable. It's two girls on a roadtrip, arguments and all. What is the point? And the audio . . . I've been mixing audio since I was 7 years old. It's clear amateurs mixed and edited the video.  While I'm in critique mode, great camera work by the videographers. I'm able to see they did a great job. I won't be albe to watch the series though. I feel like I'm watching a YouTube video made by high-shcoolers. Considering the amount of money I contribute to,   I guess I expect high quality productions. Am i wrong to have that expectation? I would be thrilled to see Unifyd develop higher quality presentations.

Feb 20 at 11:07 PM

Ray has no idea about the Orion wars, the Draco, the destruction of Lyra, Maldek, and Mars. He stated war is only here on Earth. I'm grateful to hear everything he has to say but we all need to realize he has limited information.

Nov 28 at 10:32 PM

Don't think some of some of us didn't notice "Elysium Media". 

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 04 at 09:32 PM

Caleb Reeves LOL. "Dont ... comment negativity..." Don't look now my ascending friend but that is exactly what you did.

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 04 at 05:32 PM

Emergency kidney transplants? Nope! They do  have emergent dialysis treatments. 1st red flag from this guy.