Laura Burroughs

Utica, MI, United States

Oct 05 at 11:48 AM

Wow that was some really great intuitive messages from spirit. Yes I believe the psychopaths are coming at us from all angles they can conjure up; scare/fear tactics using the children. How do you protect children from psychic attack? Get them a crystal, some kind of psychic protection?


Sep 21 at 12:41 PM

Wow! Another eye opener; a wake up call; great perspectives all around!


Sep 03 at 01:24 PM

Playfulness, courage and nurturing.


Commented on 👀

Jul 25 at 02:10 PM

Idk anymore to trust RD; he could just be a cover story for the deep state. I heard the MIB were clones; no emotions, no feelings or empathy. I tend to believe that more; not RD’s story, the powers that be want him to tell; more misinformation. I don’t think Emery Smith is buying it either.


May 28 at 02:46 AM

Amazing to see this kind of unity of consciousness come together! I was wondering when Billy and Jason would meet up and share this conversation with us. I’ve been following both since they started being interviewed on Gaia. I’m in Detroit; so can’t wait to see the Annunaki movie! Thank you both for doing this interview; it was the best!
