Abdulino, Russia


Jan 12 at 08:33 PM

Laura Gibson that's badass!! Thank you for sharing that with me.. you know she could have been a Gray Alien Hybrid.. so you're saying like literally your dad was physically in contact with an extraterrestrial being? And she told him that her world was dying or our world was dying? Because if you've ever watched the Bashar documentaries he is a hybrid half human half gray and tell the story of how the gray civilization became very advanced in technology and destroyed their own planet and we're forced to go underground eventually having to mutate their DNA into clones in order to live and survive on that planet so maybe she was talking about that?


Jan 12 at 08:24 PM

Laura Gibson sure it's all connected to them along with some dreams and very Vivid and real life like dreams that I usually remember and I take notes and write them down but yeah.. creepy is the correct word lol

Jan 12 at 08:24 PM

Laura Gibson be here. I'm not sure how they introduce or present themselves to a new acquaintance on their world or in their Dimension but I keep telling them here on Earth we shake hands and give each other hugs so enough with all the weird creepy BS and let's get this party started for real.. I feel like they want to but something is stopping them.. usually every night whenever I do my meditations I will connect with them and I will urge them to sit down in the damn chair and hang out LOL they have yet to sit down in the chair well at least visually that I can see they haven't but they have gone as far as lifting up on my mattress while I'm sleeping and pressing down on my mattress or standing on my mattress I'm not sure and they have a way of guiding me on a productive and positive path as far as self care and elevating my life spiritually. They are definitely here to help me and they want me to live better.. but they also passed me messages and I've had a lot of visions and I'm

Jan 12 at 08:20 PM

Laura Gibson I'm actually dealing with an ET experience right now and I think it's only one but it might be two and I have been communicating with it in different ways but it really creeps me out because it's like it wants me to know that it's here and there and they are passing messages to me telepathically and through other ways and means of getting information to me but it just has a really eerie feeling that they are here a lot of the time and almost every day and they make it known that they are here whether that be knocking something off a shelf or closing and opening the door or lifting up on my bed I mean there's been a thousand different ways that they have communicated with me but I keep telling them that I am creeped out because I can't see them so it makes it hard for me to be accepting or to not be fearful or worried. But they haven't hurt me yet so I guess they must be positive and benevolent. But it is definitely creepy.. they just need to drop the BS and physically be

Jan 12 at 08:18 PM

😂 😂

Jan 12 at 08:17 PM

Laura Gibson yeah I think Elon Musk is actually working on something like that and has actually gotten the approval from the FDA to start human testing and whatnot. I think I will be okay with staying a human without a chip implant.. I will just deal with the pain or take a f****** ibuprofen LOL you are not putting a damn chip in my head! Ever! That doesn't even make sense..


Jan 12 at 08:15 PM

Anida yeah for sure but I heard from an Insider they are on the run and there's only about 100 left on the Earth and more benevolent ET species have them locked in this solar system or this Galaxy where they can't get out and they are being charged for crimes against humanity but we are still cleaning up the mess that they left because literally everything came from their deception by creating religions, government structures, military structures and also entertainment and media. Apparently the reptilians that were here said that they would give everybody that was under them as far as humans up to the Galactic Federation if they would let them go.. that would mean like people in the Illuminati are people that are salvaging kids to drink their blood. That's what a lot of those kids being tunneled is actually over.. cloning and life extension projects as well as farming their blood. A lot of dark and twisted things but I think it is the beginning of the end. I say let them burn in hell


Jan 12 at 08:11 PM


Shane Vogt something told me to take a picture of the window like a thought popped in my head so I did it and this is what came of it.. that definitely looks like some type of reptilian creature doesn't it?

Jan 12 at 08:11 PM


Shane Vogt what does that look like to you? It's definitely something there though wouldn't you say?

Jan 12 at 08:09 PM

Shane Vogt wow that is truly amazing and very horrific! Yeah I heard from an Insider that there is only around 100 left on the planet but there Draco installations are still lingering within our government structures and economic structures. And our religions and belief systems. They actually created all of our beliefs and basically deceived us into thinking and becoming something or someone we are not. So we are still dealing with their BS today and trying to unravel the mess that they left us.. but you know us humans.. we will get it together! But that is truly amazing. I'm in quite a big city here in the United States and it looked like there was one watching me through my window. I will send a pic real quick