
Vancouver, Canada

I love this movement and believe fully in the mission. May we all stand for freedom and may the evil that seeks to destroy us be no more.


Mar 08 at 12:15 PM

I just want to say a heartfealt R.I.P to executive producer of Best Kept Secret series here on Unifyd.TV Sean Stone. Go with God Sean we will miss you and Thank you for everything you have done to shed light on the darkness!!  God Bless you Sean! R.I.P.


Feb 25 at 02:29 AM

Vancouver , British Columbia, Canada


Commented on Time to stand!

Feb 25 at 02:27 AM



Greetings Darryl first I want to Thank you for being the vessel by which Bashar speaks wisdom. So Thank you to both of you. I have been drawn to, interested in, researched subjects such as The esoteric teachings, Kabbalah mysticism, Other beings and God seems as far back as I remember.  That which was not mundane  or considered Taboo even thats where I would go, my path  has been long and at times very painful. I want to understand why we are here and what is my purpose of course death has me quite uneasy, would you please explain what happens to human beings when they die and why do we have to die? Also do you feel any kind of discomfort when Bashar comes and where are you when Bashar is speaking to us?  I know I ask alot of questions I do with great respect sir. Thank you for your time, Good day to you.

Feb 24 at 08:07 AM

anything to do with the lost books of the bible especially the book of enoch, also  Mystery schools.  understanding the frequencies Alpha Gamma Delta etc. for  healing and how to raise our frequencies to a higher vibration. Thank you.


Feb 24 at 05:26 AM

May The Floodgates open and shower you with blessed peace and torrents of Love!!  Bless you Sabrinacouture


Replied on Connecting the Dots

Feb 07 at 11:28 AM

Hello I just wanted to mention if you have not seen "The Antidote" here on Unifyd.tv it is extremely in depth on Covid Vaccine and the good news is they give us the Antidote.  It will turn regret to hope. ☀️


Replied on Connecting the Dots

Feb 07 at 11:21 AM

Hello Anna I just wanted to ask if you have watched "The Antidote" here on Unifyd.tv. Very informative .


Commented on Connecting the Dots

Jan 21 at 07:21 AM

This was one of the most informative talks I have heard about what the Psychopaths are intending. I am completely blown away at the depth of depravity and complete disregard for the human race even though they are also part of it They want to re=create creation and kill millions along the way just so they can have a compliant race that questions nothing  and gives them the psycho's full control!? The complete insanity of this  boggles my mind.  I am with Ray when it comes to these freaks creating more freaks I honestly believe they should be taken out!  Infiltrate  Assassinate that is my new Motto for a solution seriously they're going to kill us so why should we sit back and let them? I am angry that people like this have been allowed to do this shit for so long!  Thankyou for opening our eyes Now we need a Solution! ....REVELUTION!

Commented on Divine Intervention

Dec 14 at 09:18 AM

People So they kill our planet and the people wont they die too? This is scary to think that powerful people are reptillians that have no desire for anything  Godly or good. I dont know how this can possibly continue Is there anything we the people can do to stop the destruction?
