
Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Nov 20 at 02:27 PM

How do I share this information from my iPhone to my family and friends?

Nov 19 at 07:43 PM

Hey, someone help me understand the Origination of Covid? I understand that Ray told Jason but it was not a pandemic. It was something else. Can someone tell me what that was what it really was that was killing So many people and making other severely ill? Please help I really want to understand. I understand everything else and I truly believe this is what is happening. Thank you Jason you’re a brave soul and we all love hearing from you! My love to you and everyone else.

Nov 19 at 03:42 PM

Ray said that there will be pandemic and people will get sick and die, but it’s not what the news says it is. If it’s not Covid, then what is the real reason so many people died and were sick? Can anyone explain to me? Thank you very much.


Oct 10 at 12:06 PM

Jane I’m just very sad

Oct 10 at 12:00 PM

Can you tell me what to do to help my community?

Oct 10 at 11:59 AM

Maybe we should all decide to die

Oct 10 at 11:58 AM

I am just sad that when Trump was elected, there were no outward wars, and now there are with Biden


Oct 10 at 11:57 AM

I agree


Oct 10 at 11:55 AM

OperationQ ok, Then, why is there so many where wars?