Travis Alexander

Farmington, MO, United States

Dec 22 at 03:11 AM

Nice catch! 🤣

Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Dec 15 at 10:21 PM

This is the first one I noticed Ray put like a pillow or something under his shirt to make him look like he’s got a big belly…you can totally tell it’s a pillow 🤣🤣

Dec 14 at 04:53 PM

It’ll be the end of the society as we know it…”you will own nothing and be happy” they’ve been conditioning us for this for decades. Homes, cars, loans…nothing will be in our names. We will have no debt because they will own everything. And some people are buying into the idea…saying “it’ll be a big step forward for us as a civilization..”

Sheep. Sleeping sheep.

We MUST wake up. We MUST change our collective consciousness to reflect what we want in life, what we need…Love and Unity.

Dec 12 at 02:52 PM

There is an ongoing suit against Dr. Michael and the EE System…I can’t find out any details but I’m sure someone thought it was going to instantly heal or cure them and it didn’t so now they’re suing…I have no idea if that’s the case, I’m merely speculating.

But does anyone know anything more about this??


Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Dec 07 at 03:52 PM

Marshall…that was an amazing response. Very well put.

Tara, I hope you are ok. There are people out here that care about your well being. You are most definitely not alone. Most people seem not to care because they are not ready for the information you possess. People fear what they don’t understand…but as Marshall said, if you are in possession of something extraordinary I would keep a tight lid on it for now. The psychopaths and evil doers will go to any lengths to keep certain things under wraps. Just be careful and if you need to talk about something, this platform is full of like minded people (for the most part).


I was hoping this would make its way on this platform 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Dec 05 at 08:12 PM

To see through the indoctrination…it’s time to wake up

Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

Dec 04 at 09:13 PM

You’re absolutely right


Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Nov 30 at 05:00 PM

Of everything Ray speaks about in this series…you’re going to choose NOT to believe when he says the earth is not flat?…if you believe he’s been off world before than why would he lie about the shape? I personally believe 100% of what he speaks about 🤷🏻‍♂️


Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Nov 21 at 05:45 PM

Thank you for everything you do Jason. The awareness you’re bringing to light is invaluable! I’m so excited for my spiritual journey towards enlightenment 🙏🏻🙏🏻
