Travis Alexander

Farmington, MO, United States


Jan 16 at 07:08 PM


Jan 11 at 07:22 PM

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To all my brothers and sisters of the collective…please be aware of what kind of doors you could unwillingly or unknowingly open. This is a Snapchat filter I came across and immediately noticed the triangle so I had to investigate…to be aware is to be alive.

Keep your light and stay bright my friends 🙏🏻🕯️✨


Jan 04 at 03:22 PM

I downloaded Rays of Light and uploaded it into a text to speech app, in my case I used NaturalReader…it’s 8 and a half hours of mind exploding goodness! ✨🌅🙏🏻😏



Dec 31 at 02:53 PM

Best Christmas ever! I’ve listened to the pyramid code multiple times on YT but I can’t wait to actually read it myself 🙏🏻✌🏻



Dec 22 at 04:17 PM

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Thoughts? 🤔🤔
There are 3 pictures



Dec 12 at 03:17 PM

I just found there is an active lawsuit against Dr. Michael and the EE System…I can’t find the details but know it’s from 2018. I was just wondering if anyone had any other information 🤷🏻‍♂️
Side Note** I love this platform, I think we all need to give it up for Jason Shurka and everyone else involved in getting Unifyed put together and out to the people.
The people who are tired of being lied to, stolen from, manipulated, poisoned, censored, silenced, oppressed, murdered, and all out attacked by the American Government and it’s controlling interests.
I’m thrilled that this content is available to the world but also know it will only reach a very select few. The great awakening has begun but people aren’t waking up fast enough! I feel when Ray says he loves what TLS does but feels they need to do it faster…we need to get this information to as many people as possible.
It’s time to WAKE UP!!!