Amanda Cossu

Aurora, Canada

Apr 17 at 10:31 AM

Sounds exactly like me. I am real, I am deep, I am logical, I am mystical, I believe in kindness and oneness, romance and magick. I am sensitive and distant, I am a warrior and a lover, I believe home is in the stars, I love to dance as I feel the universe flow through me, I am fearless and gentle, wondrous and brace, I love fairies and angels, feel like in another life the forest was my home, I feel powerful and fully flowing my energy when I am in nature, i love waterfalls, forests, sunsets, galaxies, I am an artist, a great thinker, I write alot like poems and other words, I dream of fully being free to be my true self. I dream to expirence this life, to expand my energy out to others, to fully awaken all of this earth, to fullfill my mission here, to fully love the fallen souls to rise and remember.

Apr 17 at 10:17 AM

We are all one love, fully aware, fully connected to each other, we are apart of the one universe. We are one spirit flowing with many forms. We are all aspects of each other. We are all family. Loving the whole universe is loving your whole self. What you feel towards another is what you feel about your self. Forgiving others is forgiving yourself. We have forgotten, and starting to remember. All is coming back to its original design and purpose. Creating out of love. I love you all that is the U-niverse. Shine bright that spark of love. We are powerful, hold magick, can transform energy from one to another. We can transform are selves and others to shift from one energy aspect to another. We can heal each other with energy. We are greater than we think. No body is small. Take your power back. Love fully unconditionally. Ground your self to the earth. Let flow the wisdom of the universal mind, from the universe. The universe gives constantly. You are always abundant.


Dec 02 at 09:11 AM

That's so strange don't eat it. Take it to get dna test.

Nov 29 at 08:15 AM

As long as you believe you need to choose a side, your still in the illusion of separation. The dark and light is part of the one, is just opposite sides of the same coin. The goal is to be neutral and to see the structure of creation and how it works. Choose to love all even love the dark that needs it most of all.

Nov 24 at 08:12 PM

If you believe you will fall, you will.

Nov 22 at 01:38 PM

So cute. Little grey alien. He is probably way older than humanity.


Nov 22 at 01:33 PM

My mind, I just thought of it.

Nov 13 at 07:40 PM

Did you ever asked TLS member what they feel or what they go through. I doubt they want to do that job. They have to, for the sake of transforming this earth. Do I want to get up every morning at 6 am to go to work. NO. Do I want to put up with this crap of Q life. NO. I rather be dead. And live just in spirit form. Or in the 5th dimension. But as a soul I chose to lower my energy to the 3rd density. This life is a warriors journey. Loving the enemy is the hardest thing to do. For all the pain and suffering is caused. It's like your own child stabs you in the heart every time then you being born again each morning to forgive their actions, loving again constantly no matter what. We have a responsibility, all those that are awakening are starting to finally grow up. What we need is teachers. There are plenty out there. Everyone has a unique spark that will determine what they do in this life and what they are good at.

Nov 13 at 07:28 PM

Think about it what do you have to offer to the world. You don't need to wait for TLS to make a difference. For one any TLS member has to live a double life. Are you really ready to lie or keep half of who you are secret and hidden from those you love. It's not an easy life to give up everything to live in the shadows, to pretend to be the ones that are evil inorder to change people from the inside. I understand all those that are apart of the TLS. In many ways I feel like I live a double life. Even when being open. What I want is never excepted. So I just keep everything to my self. Here I feel more open to share my ins and outs of my deepest feelings. The power is within. I have always wanted to hear my spirit guides wondering why. You have to meet them half way. Raise your vibration as high as possible. Do the work. There are many teachers out there, many books.

Nov 11 at 07:49 PM

Beings from others planets are already here, and have been here for more than thousands of years.