Amanda Cossu

Aurora, Canada

Oct 19 at 08:25 PM

As above so below, as within so without. We are God. We flow spirit/ god/chi energy/soul/ the one creator/ the whole universe through every form including planets, stars, humans, animals, nature, fire, water, air, earth. We have the power to change our DNA, the code is inside. There are many things that need to change inorder to bring a shift, have loving and positive thoughts, spoken word and feeling. Eat organic, drink filtered water, always learn, be physically active, meditate, reiki, yoga, Tai chi, listen to frequency music or music like enya and celtic music. Make your self mentally, emotionally and physically strong. Take your power back. Connect to nature and animals. Be more aware of your self and others. Don't fear. No one has the power to change your dna other than you. You have the power to expand your energy higher so nothing will effect you. Cleanse your self energetically and physically every day including being in a clean environment. Be the stillness within the storm


Replied on Be brave

Oct 19 at 07:45 PM

Your wrong Jennifer Parker. Every word that Ginny spoke is true. There are beings from other planets, dimensions and densities that speak through people that can channel to be able to spread messages that will help guide humans to healing and waking up. Sorry to say but you Jennifer have no belief beyond what you can see it seems. Are you afraid that we will loss the battle? We are winning there are more people every day that are waking up, stepping into their power, and healing. I have the power to flow chi energy/ spirit into another, and so do you have the same power. We have the same ability that Jesus had, and we can even achieve greater heights if we want to. If your not a believer then go somewhere else to post and read. Did you even watch any of the videos on unifyd or Everything on both channels are completely true. There is no place here for judging and trying to shut someone's inner truth. Respect that others might know what you don't.

Commented on J LUKE, 1ST ATTEMPT

Oct 19 at 08:48 AM

The words of God that we speak are our words that we have forgotten. Remembering is becoming. The more that we recall we will show the way to the rest that are still stuck. No worries. We are not alone. We are powerful. Everyone has a part to play in this life. Play your part that you feel in your heart that is your calling to come forward and step forward to the stage. Be you. The fullest, purest and truest you. Let flow all that is one within you. In the end its all an illusion. When you come to a higher perspective you will realize there was never any fight only the one you saw in your mind that you projected out into your reality. Because you have that power to create every thought, your word is your power. Be wise to choose your words carefully. I have the power to change my life by every word I speak. I remember i am the power to change this world. By shifting myself into my power I take hold of my birth right to create in this life. I am love, love to all is what i give.


Commented on J LUKE, 1ST ATTEMPT

Oct 19 at 08:36 AM

You can't see at a higher dimension or density, a humans brain is not and will never be advanced enough in this time to possibly understand if it is possibly for God/spirit/soul to flow into a metal form or robot. But never say impossible. Everything imagined is possible somewhere in the universe of creation. If it can be thought up and image in the mind then it can manifest into reality. Feeling hate or despising anyone does not help. If you don't support this type of technology then simply don't focus on it. The more you focus on it the more you are contributing to creating it. Focus on expanding what you do want, which is human connection and human expansion. DNA always changes, be that spark you love so much and spark every other human around you to wake up. We are God/spirit/soul/universe/the one creator in many creations. Also we don't live once, we live forever always getting born again in a new body when one dies.


Commented on Quote of the day

Oct 15 at 09:43 PM

You are the rock so roll yourself, you are the hill too. It's your perspective that changes. Your both the creator and the creation. Both the observer and the observed. The one has many eyes or views to look from. Fully become aware and present of what you see, feel and hear. Spirit flows to every direction, filling all space. There is no empty space. Light shines within every space that appears dark to the closed eyes. Open the eye to see light, within flowing outward. Constant cycle of spinning energy. No beginning, no end. Never was never will be.

Oct 15 at 09:19 PM

Do, lessons, creation, love, Gratitude, by, money, power, or, men, change, health, self care, strength, family, purpose, do, miracles, breakthrough,


Oct 15 at 09:05 PM

Do, lesson, creation, love


Oct 15 at 08:31 PM

I agree with you. I don't go looking for love or for a man to fill my emptiness. But I realize I am not empty never was. I am full of love, love all that walk into my life, for a moment walking the same path. Even if falling hard for a moment, moments don't last. People can walk away if choosing another path. But mine will always be the same that I walk with my self. So I will feel my spirit/ soul forever. Even when the time comes to leave this earth. The true me will always be eternally pure love. We are all one. Loving another is loving self. Loving self is loving another. Love a poor man, as he becomes rich at heart so you become eternally loved back. What goes around comes around.