Rachael strever

Jul 23 at 01:55 PM

You think life is crazy, try finding out that your soul contract is finding the real life Jesus and I have..


Jul 23 at 01:53 PM

My soul contract was to find him and I did..in real life.

Commented on 💫

Jul 09 at 10:04 AM

I understand this so much, because I had my awakening..I can feel emotions so strongly now..like I am having deju vu..and I can see it before it is happening now..like I know what is going to happen before it does now..

Replied on post was deleted

Apr 28 at 08:39 AM


The guy in the background looks just like him..

Apr 21 at 06:22 PM

Rachael strever directly under Disney world..

Apr 21 at 06:22 PM

#655321 good luck..I went to Fort Lauderdale to see if this is related to the Bermuda Triangle. Because if the Getty is in Florida aka Bermuda trainable. Is directly across.

Apr 21 at 01:46 AM

Texas is a republican state…

Apr 21 at 01:43 AM

Interesting you say this and I happen to be in Florida not to far from the Getty????hmmm wonder how I knew to come here? Before I saw this…🤔

Apr 20 at 11:57 PM

You realize my birth sign shows Uranus right now in this month..and Jupiter is my Zeus..


Mar 30 at 03:44 AM

How does the illumanti know what I am? Because I just saw a post on one of the Facebook group pages calling all star seeds?