Rachael strever


Aug 05 at 09:50 AM

To all the lightworkers, healers, reiki, shaman, plant healers, energy healers..sacred geometry, pyramid researchers. To all that has been trying to figure things out in this crazy world. How we manifest things. How to create what you want in reality..how to defeat the darkness in this world..feel it

You want peace then feel it, feel the vibrations of peace for others. Stop thinking in your thoughts about what is happening in this world. Feel the vibrations in your body..feel the flow of the earth and its vibrations..when ray was talking with Jason..every time I heard the conversation I felt ray and knew just before he talked. The part that ray said wait a minute when Jason asked what did he do..that moment when ray told him was about the birth signs..

Everything is where it should be
The alien ship on the moon
The reason for the kids missing and in the tunnels?
The experiments the gateway project
Being reincarnated
People having superhuman abilities
The ee system
The trinity
The energy that is free in this earth
The sacred geometry
The hz sounds vibrations
The truth about the Bible and witchcraft
The crystals
The government lies
The robots AI
Manifestation is all about us feeling the emotions in our vibrations..
Detoxing our body, mind, soul..detoxing for 40 days..cleansing our body from toxins..
Music is the key to the elements of the vibrations. Music has the codes.

I am a Pisces, was in Texas when the eclipse happened twice and was in Salem as well..the year the women in the stars in 2017..with Leo above her head. I have opened all of my chakras and yes feeling the flow of vibrations thru out my body. Yes, I found my twin soul mate..and yes, been manifesting my whole life..trying to protect my own children from the harsh cruel world. If ray is doing what I think he is..because I am praticing my breathing technique to slow my heart down like he was talking about. I heard every word ray said..I have been to the system and felt the vibrations really really strongly..unifytv was the only one who knew I could feel it outside of it. It seems kinda of funny that the same place I was going to all of sudden had some of there equipment taken and not given back. What is even more interesting is that the people that worked there..hmmm
Starting to see the signs all around me more and more..and I can feel my own body healing..I know what natural things to take to help from any infections. The right kinds of foods..
What is really interesting is the small home idea..
Everything that ray has been talking about I am seeing more and more of it..hmmm wonder.. also I am starting to understand telepathic..and learning it.
This is a anchor
The yin yang, the tree of life and to metatron it symbolizes the Pisces..the balance


Aug 05 at 09:16 AM

So you are a lightworker healer? So you are a indiago? Are you shaman, reiki, spiritual, plant based healer, energy healer?


Jul 23 at 02:23 PM

What if you knew your soul contract?
What if you knew what is true prophecy, what if you knew how the prophecy becomes real..and you knew how Armageddon starts..

Ray talks about all these things in the Bible and Jason shirks. Unifytv you talk about all these things. I was sent a link to the gateway project before I even found the app. I found the hz sounds of Mary before I even found this app. Including Gaia app. I went to the ee system by where I lived and I felt the vibrations outside the place. Then all of sudden the owner said that some of there systems were taken. Kind of interesting that those same people that came to there faculty were there on purpose.
Even more interesting that all of sudden now they are doing deals for veterans.
Even more interesting is that I finally realized what my soul contract is..finding what we call him as Jesus..found his look alike.

What is even more interesting is that I found the light workers, the healers of energy.
Learning and understanding this universe, the sacred geometry, the grounding, the difference between negative energy and positive energy. The god particle..how the ee system works. The hz sounds vibrations. The old ways before time it self..
Interesting even more about how dinosaurs are based on animals that people had in pictures on stones..before we even knew about them. How tribes rode on these kind of animals. I have a book called the Aquarius that shows how some pics are man made and some or just fake. Aware that some things since 1600 were made up stories…
Ever since Elizabeth passed on there has been all kinds of things out of sort..and since the Illuminati has been around for centuries and part of the elite group that has been keeping control of things to a point..
They say there in Oregon because that is where the Salem witchcraft started in the first place…I have seen videos of where it is in Oregon.
There is a story about the horned six finger six finger toe people with horns on there head. We all know that the devils cave is in Mexico..South America has a cave that is so tall that giants can fit in it. A priest said he would get things from the past from it but others could never find the door…

We wonder about this earth and the time line..how people can walk thru portals. That water is the key to portals. How Jesus used the water to heal others. Interesting how this is, how Jesus showed the fish for the fishermen..fish pertains to Pisces..the women in the stars with Leo above her head the sun on her head..the moons at her feet..the year of 2017..it was the year I had my heart broken in two..by my own child and husband..

The gateway project was an experiment that was done on women based on sexual contact..because of our abilities..they wanted to know how it effects us..yes I know what I am..and if I come into my full power..then yes the AI will be real. Robots the future will come to pass..you want the future to change then let me say this to ray..because if entity do exist and Jesus had the ability to force them out based on his own energy that he had. Exchange of energy which is why he was drained..and how he knew a person just based on being around them..I know what Jesus was. Just like Muhammad saw. I know the truth about are past..and it is time everyone knew the truth..Jesus knew about energy in our body and what our soul is made of..

Muse, seer, empath, psychic..who knows the truth about our past..the aliens have been around for centuries and he was a pleidians..alantis was a highly advance civilation..that was destroyed by the annunakin..the true monsters..

Where is it in folk lores and tails about the women who taught others how to weave, how to sew..the women that knew how to make pottery..why is it that there is nothing about this in history..

Jul 23 at 01:55 PM

You think life is crazy, try finding out that your soul contract is finding the real life Jesus and I have..


Jul 23 at 01:53 PM

My soul contract was to find him and I did..in real life.


Jul 22 at 04:47 PM

If you were to meet him in real life what would you say to him?? Does anyone really know what your soul contract is? Because I do…


Commented on 💫

Jul 09 at 10:04 AM

I understand this so much, because I had my awakening..I can feel emotions so strongly now..like I am having deju vu..and I can see it before it is happening now..like I know what is going to happen before it does now..


May 23 at 12:29 PM

The Pisces represents the true meaning of Yahweh aka Jesus..the free energy we have on this planet..when we ground with the earth we put the negative energy back into it. As above as below..Pisces represents the ocean, the fish, the peace. When you start to understand your true self and know what you are a seer, muse a psychic. And connected to the alantis people..I was in Salem after the eclipse..the women in stars with Leo above her head, the sun above the women the chakras, the colors, moon at her feet the washing of the feet aka Jesus representing the washing of the feet. The birth signs Pisces is the end of the birth signs. I represent all birth signs the Mayan calander. I am awake fully and found my hz sounds vibrations. The tree of life represents knowledge when we ground with the earth and the trees. Water represents memory’s..



May 15 at 10:26 AM

For the first time in my life I felt the flow of the universe yesterday like time had stopped and I could feel everything around me as a dog ran up to me..it was like I was connected to this dog and could understand him. My friend killed me yesterday as well and brought me back when he caught me falling..what is happening?


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Apr 28 at 08:39 AM


The guy in the background looks just like him..