Lillie Collins

Detroit, MI, United States

Looking to Spread light on the awakening of the AGE OF LOVE

Aug 20 at 05:48 PM

In reference to charging spots like Bora Bora and Mt.Shasta what is the process in healing or charging up at these spots?

Is it possible one day to get sworn in to TLS and give our lives for the sake of earth's transformation to 5d (age of love)?

Tell us a bit about Christ Consciousness. Can you tell us hands on about who he was and everything he did in history. Maybe elaborate on moses again too, Paul the apostle and Adam and Eve.

Aug 20 at 12:43 PM



Commented on Sirius Trailer

Jul 24 at 03:32 PM

when is this airing? :)

Jun 17 at 06:03 PM

Going back to the Rays of light, what are all the charging points and how is charging properly done? Ray mentioned areas like the peak in Bora Bora and Mt. Shasta.

Jun 06 at 11:30 AM

WOW! I am so blessed to get this knowledge! Thank you Jason! Thank you Ray! At some point could we get a list from Ray of what drops and raises our dimensional awareness? Like the Food, words, attitude, sexual desires...I will pay for this list! 

Nov 16 at 10:12 AM

Great info! Jason your Tigers Eye Pi stone has me mesmerized!