
Oct 27 at 03:43 AM

Amanda Cossu will grow to amazing sizes and produce pure energy +oxygen he said the energy is in our earth imagin if we evolved so strongly with billions thriving on love world peace and meditation healing clensing eating great exercising hugs kisses positive AFIRMATIONS trust compassion compatibility friendship that our trees would produce pure energy from there roots to the leaves and they will live forever as well our animals would produce amazing structures of color and muscle and eventually not hurt eachother as we used to. As they only do for food and "territory " mating and so forth. Im curious do other planets need trees to produce oxygen so the people on it can breath? And also if theres no carbon minoxide for the trees to consume to produe oxygen for us what will they use to keep us breathing if we get rid of carbon producing products/structures/items... i love knowledge im so attracted to it like a magnet now after being aware. Cosmic knowledge tho none of this limitedcrap

Oct 27 at 03:34 AM

Amanda Cossu cool i appreciate you trying my suggestion i agree with you that we can also heal by doing other things but this inparticular subject of "them" changing us to half snake. I researched heavily like a 6 year old on a full can of mountain dew with the hunger and knowledge of a universe master on all knowledge and found they use 5g radiation snake venom proteins in our farms fertilizer and processed foods n water supply. i heard your admirer asking you how far can we expand our power/evolution. is the ultimate goal to become a perfectly structured human that is ageless that can have all powers you speak of. ONLY OF COURSE AFTER LEARNING PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR ALL THINGS INCLUDING MATTER ITSELF for example this table im sitting @if i speak love to it clean it dont mistreat it i believe it will only get better with age. i bet if we change as a whole the energetic force of love for all will literally elevate our planet, animals plants fruits vegetables trees most important


Oct 26 at 08:36 PM

Amanda Cossu how did it work out for you

Oct 21 at 01:12 AM

Amanda Cossu you are correct 528hz repairs dna look it up!! He told me this he brought me to this channel to tell all!! Please share this !! Look it up on youtube its real angels in the comments

Oct 21 at 01:11 AM

Amanda Cossu i told everyone a week ago the codes lye within us we have to heal from radiation n food poisoning 528hz angel healing frequency on youtube n open our god eye stay away from electronics goto nature n also metal protects us from radiation

Oct 21 at 01:08 AM

Amanda Cossu your right!

Oct 18 at 10:54 PM

Jeremy Wulff titainium blocks radiation and 528hz heals our dna

Oct 18 at 10:53 PM

Wait till we reveal the codes its going to exactly what i said titainium chemical brakedown and 528hz frequency


Oct 18 at 10:52 PM

Jeremy Wulff and

Who are you ? If u dont heal you will be stuck i gave u the awareness use it or not. I did my part w u now i have 8 billion others to inform

Oct 18 at 11:38 AM

Look up angel healing frequency 528hz repair your dna trust me ray wants us to heal ourselves w frequency sound