Please everyone watch the next level soul on youtube about matias de stephano as he is a young man that was trained as a boy by his guides/masters about the entire information package that ray is speaking about. He is very knowledgeable on the entire process/meaning of life and of the earth and everything he said PERFECTLY ALINES WITH RAYS STATEMENTS!
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Commented on The Pyramid Code Part 2
Commented on The Pyramid Code Part 2
Commented on The Pyramid Code Part 2
Oct 13 at 04:50 AM
I have another question for ray as far as hell ive heard several times the only hell that exists is what a persons vibration is at the time of passing over and what they precieve it as they will see it when they pass. But according to the universal laws you will keep reincarnating as the person/thing you resent the most, until you fully understand/spread unconditional LOVE and forgive everyone who has done you wrong. They get to evolve and be closer to the devine one in a higher dimension. So does that mean hell is close to us or in the first dimension or the 0 dimension? If it exists? I heard you mention demon's are in the 4th n 5th dimension and also matias de stephano mentioned everything in this dimension (earth) has a reflection of itself in every dimension until 9. Also everything in the 9th and under has an anchor on earth. So do the demons have bodies on earth and are they disturbed like there earth beings. What planet did the 8ft. Tall beings that landed in vegas come from?