
Oct 13 at 04:50 AM

I have another question for ray as far as hell ive heard several times the only hell that exists is what a persons vibration is at the time of passing over and what they precieve it as they will see it when they pass. But according to the universal laws you will keep reincarnating as the person/thing you resent the most, until you fully understand/spread unconditional LOVE and forgive everyone who has done you wrong. They get to evolve and be closer to the devine one in a higher dimension. So does that mean hell is close to us or in the first dimension or the 0 dimension? If it exists? I heard you mention demon's are in the 4th n 5th dimension and also matias de stephano mentioned everything in this dimension (earth) has a reflection of itself in every dimension until 9. Also everything in the 9th and under has an anchor on earth. So do the demons have bodies on earth and are they disturbed like there earth beings. What planet did the 8ft. Tall beings that landed in vegas come from?

Oct 13 at 03:50 AM

Please everyone watch the next level soul on youtube about matias de stephano as he is a young man that was trained as a boy by his guides/masters about the entire information package that ray is speaking about. He is very knowledgeable on the entire process/meaning of life and of the earth and everything he said PERFECTLY ALINES WITH RAYS STATEMENTS!

Oct 13 at 03:23 AM

You are very correct!! Thats why i believe ray !! 100 percent!! And the fact when he stated this information it was like he knew it better then the back of his hand literally. Also he tapped in to things that we all have been pondering on/knew about for a while now 5g hurting our birds making there formation disconnect, how the pyramids got built , UFOs being hiden by the government ect...

Oct 13 at 03:15 AM

I want to ask mr ray if the company that is advertising and selling the cia frequency sound created by the gateway project scientists to instantly sincranize your left and right brain sections to bring your brain to instant activation of your frontal cortex just by listening to these sounds for 21 days 10 mins a day or something like that... if it is a frequency that will hurt/damage our brain or is it real ? Also is wesley virgins story true about taking a picture of the missing page from the very first hebrew bible ever written valued @38 million $ at a party of the b..berg...that has the 20 word script on how to manifest stating= i desire (blank) i know i already have it i know.... mine....i am open any .......shape.....or ...... and if so does this work if said correctly with all the requirements blew my mind away when i heard your information because i have been studying the universal laws for 2 years and watching NDE'S before i heard u & it all matched perfectly

How do i get a ees necklace for my son and i he is 6 years old as well and if you want to tap into your frontal cortex of your brain and heal get a hold of joe dispenza he does healing sessions all over the world or dennis bullock a favor for a favor?

Oct 11 at 11:20 AM

You need to get a hold of Joe despenza he is the meditation master 

Oct 11 at 11:19 AM

God is love ! All of us have God in us ! We were controlled since our beginning with rules and teachings that's why we can't see in the 5th dimension if you watch NDE s Dennis bullock got to speak to God n his mother Dennis's mother. Dennis came back to earth and said everything that ray is saying ! It all comes together its on YouTube! Watch next level soul Dennis bullock everything is energy! You guys need to listen to ray clean your life's up eat raw vegetables no meat !! Ees will clear your radical environment.  New experiences will activate your frontal cortex your God mind !! We have the power of God all of us!! It creates new neurons in your brain tell yourself you know you can fly! You know your healthy you know !! Even if u Have no idea force yourself to know your heart n mind will sincranize like birds that all fly the same or fish that swim at the same time shift direction there's no leader !! It's all frequency /energy vibratin at the same rate.  We can move forward passed