
Chicago, IL, United States

Replied on Dear diary

Feb 05 at 01:08 PM

"The Black Widow" in Disclosure 5, gives examples of when she just had to be someplace and almost nothing more.

Helping someone it is just one of the things somebody may be asked to do. Ray is a man of means, so one of his callings is to help many, it seems. But not everybody has the same callings. 

Feb 05 at 01:15 AM

angela michelle watkins That's why we are here, to remind each other and to encourage each other. Sometimes we forget things that we knew quite well. Or we just don't see it for a while and then like a veil is lifted up and realize, we may have been used by higher ups in such unbelievable and miraculous ways like those described by TLS or others, we just forgot or didn't realize it.


Feb 05 at 01:08 AM

angela michelle watkins I hear you, I know the feeling. You know the answer to the problem, but they can't hear you... Sometimes it comforts me that even Jesus could not get to many, even though he totally knew what they needed, and they did ask for help. That's why he kept on saying, "He who has ears, let them hear".

Sometimes we "hear" later, after a good seed planted starts to grow. So the effort is not in vain (sometimes).


Feb 04 at 05:29 PM

angela michelle watkins When the above clicked on me, all of the sudden I realized I have so much "TLS-like" work to do!

OMG, there is so much work to do! I can do so much to bring light, love and joy to the world, starting with those immediately around me. We need to bring heaven in our immediate circle, and then further on. 


Feb 04 at 03:42 PM

If you pay close attention to Disclosure 5, "The Black Widow" says that she saw something on the Telly, about somebody in their community really needing some help. She stepped in and helped, and if I understood it right, later she realized that was her first mission with TLS and Ray. Ray helped that person too.

Let's do the good deed, that smile to those around us, let's show that love, that thing that we know we have to do, but we keep on putting off, let's do it now! Who knows what we will come to realize later on.


Feb 03 at 01:07 AM

Be advised this is really disturbing, might want to not watch it at night...

Feb 02 at 11:50 PM

♡999♡ I postponed a day or two. But yeah I need to wrap up something I am working on.

Feb 02 at 11:36 PM

♡999♡ I am somewhat different, that's how I am, I am focusing on a single subject very deeply, at a time.

E.g. I became fluent in English in one month. My friends knew I had no idea what English was today, one month later I was speaking English fluently, with a beautiful British accent (I lost that accent, since moving to US). It's a blessing but also a disadvantage, because in life you have to do more than just one thing at a time. But for certain things it works quite well. 


Feb 02 at 11:24 PM

Most of the people around these parts, I think, know very well what you are talking about. You've found your tribe.


Feb 02 at 02:57 PM

We've been already asking for a while. A RoL focused channel