
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 31 at 10:12 AM

♡999♡ would like to have access to the source for this, if available. Very interesting.

Jan 31 at 10:10 AM

Thank you Charity Hawk ! What we are talking about here is reality, not dead religion. It works!

Jan 30 at 11:28 PM

OperationQ They did ask Ray and he answered over and over but if one does not want to hear... they will keep on asking the same question over and over again... and never hear the answer.

Jan 30 at 11:04 PM

OperationQ it seems if you want to believe something, you can find proof even in the asphalt on the road, or what not.

Not everything you post is un-truth, and I commend you for what is truth and you spread awareness about. But you mix that with non-sense like JFK Jr is still alive, he still looks the same as decades ago, etc.

In the end you discredit the truth you spread as well, with that kind of stuff. That's what QAnon Shaman says in that interview, among other things. You end up, overall, doing more damage to the cause of truth, than helping it.

Jan 30 at 10:43 PM

♡999♡ It's probably his own site...

Jan 30 at 10:42 PM

♡999♡ Don't waste your time, you will not get anywhere, I guarantee you that. The proofs are made up stuff. Politicians are humans like you and I sometimes they may misspoke, that immediately is interpreted like I don't know what kind of mysterious confirmation and all sorts of non-sense.  Just measure yourself how many times a day you may mean to say something but something else comes out. I wish the reality wouldn't be as cruel as it is at times. It seems some people need made-up stuff to be able to cope, or I don't know.


Replied on Dear diary

Jan 29 at 07:06 PM

Amen to LOVE, bro.

Hey seeing that I interact more with you directly, I let you know I won't be much active around here for the next month or so.

Good luck exploring and overcoming. What doesn't kill us, makes us 💪, the saying goes.

Replied on Dear diary

Jan 29 at 05:48 PM

♡999♡ Totally, when you are open, things do pop up. Yet our intuitions are not the absolute arbiter either. But many of the newly discovered truths via intuitions and spiritual illumination do get validated by others and the reality check. I believe the experience of others collected in texts like the Scriptures also help to check/validate. In the end is a matter of who you trust, be it yourself or other channelers, dreamers, prophets and what not. I resonated in good measure with what TLS/Ray/Jason puts out, because I see similar experiences recorded in the Scriptures or related literature and also some of my own experiences.

I think in a way TLS and UNIFYD helps us be more opened and expand our horizons to what's possible. But then in another way I am also kind of disappointed, that there is no more involved mentoring and such. You are kind of on your own still. In my case, what it helped me with was to not be afraid to explore the venues that I was and am gently prompted towards.


Replied on Dear diary

Jan 29 at 02:30 PM

♡999♡  There are people right now on the earth, that are given the privilege, from time to time to attend as observers to the Divine Council meetings and hear some of the stuff that is going there. We see that in the Bible too. Some may be even active participants, but personally, I don't know of any. Maybe Rabbi AA is one of those, but I am just speculating.