
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 23 at 10:28 AM

In primary school I was bullied by a few kids because I was the geek, and they could not stand that. On top of it all, the teacher would ask me to verify their homework and report to them if they did their homework or not. You can imagine what that resulted in.  

One thing that I would do, is trying to follow Jesus teaching and try hard not to hate them. I would pray for them. 

I can't take any credit for anything, but sometimes I do wonder if my praying helped. Later in life all these guys turn out to be wonderful spiritual people. I moved to US and sometimes I get report about them from back home, and it always amazes me, they are involved in helping others and are outstanding citizens with wonderful families and all. Isn't that amazing? It seems there is no other way but to love.

Life is beautiful!


Jan 22 at 11:24 PM

"Life is beautiful". We can start with working on changing our perspectives. We might otherwise offend divinity that has given us this unbelievable miracle to experience Him here on earth through this physical life. Let's lift our eyes from being focuses on ourselves to being focused on Him and what He is teaching and growing us into. Let's love!


Jan 22 at 09:45 PM

Joshua Paul Frisk UNIFYD TV Support Portal (typeform.com)

or https://44ev6j23bhs.typeform.com/tv-support?typeform-source=unifyd.tv (same thing but actual link)

There is a TLS category.

Jan 22 at 09:42 PM

People are at various level of awareness and understanding, so take everything you read/watch/hear with a grain of salt.

Satan/Lucifer is as real as he can be, and he casts his web/spell of deception over the whole world. The Bible (at least in the NT part of it) is as clear about that as it can be.

But OT mentioned Satan too and it shows that He was way up there next to the Source Himself, a very beautiful, powerful entity almost like no other. Now he is cast down to earth, and he messes up things here, until he will be dealt with. Let's pray that day comes soon.


Jan 22 at 09:35 PM

Joshua Paul Frisk I am just guessing if something like that it is indeed involved, maybe asking for help from TLS, maybe they have those kinds of technologies to push back on it? There is a link here where you can post requests/questions.

Steven Greer mentions that he was approached by some kind of secretive organization to offer him protection, and he accepted it. I don't see him go around with bodyguards, so the protection he was offered was more of this nature?

I'd say ask them for help and see if that works. I'll also asking my God to help you and provide you relief.


Jan 22 at 09:28 PM

"Chased" maybe is not the right word, I wasn't "persecuted" by this. I just kept on noticing the change from 2:22 to 2:23. It was actually a rather interesting experience, when it happened first.


Jan 22 at 09:23 PM

Joshua Paul Frisk I looked it up but it seems a pretty generic term. You could be ganstalked by people, I suppose entities, it's probably too generic. Or this seem to indicate it may actually be a delusion?

Gang stalking - Wikipedia

Jan 22 at 09:19 PM

I was "chased" by 2:22 lately and I think I recently figured it out. If interested to go deeper into it, we can take it in private. But basically, for me, I had what is usually called the "being born again" experience at 22. For me that was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. In Rays of Light, they talk that there is so much more out there, that being born again is one of the experiences for people at the lower level of spirituality. At least that's how I understood it. So, to me now 2:22 seems to indicate that I am to expect a double portion of what being "born again" meant for me.

Do they all have to go through "born again experience" to be able to ascend to higher levels? Jesus would seem to indicate that to be the case, if I got him right.

Jan 22 at 09:10 PM

Joshua Paul Frisk I saw your pictures with your girlfriend a few weeks ago. You seemed quite happy. I don't fully understand what gangstalking is, I am not native English speaker. Who/what is persecuting you, if you can share?

I am so sorry you have to go through this.


Jan 22 at 07:21 PM

Christy Overton I hope all is well with you and your son. In this interview Tony talks about a similar situation like you mention. He says the guy was cured right away with some new technology there, where they change the brain circuitry. 

REVIVE with Tony Robbins | It’s Time to Awaken the Healer Within - YouTube

Might want to look into it.