
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 22 at 07:02 PM

♡999♡ REVIVE with Tony Robbins | It’s Time to Awaken the Healer Within (youtube.com)

IIRC is not FDA approved, so I am not sure who/how can get to it. Maybe if you write to Tony or Jason they know how to get to them.

They need to mess up with your physical brain somehow, but then your addiction is gone, just like that.

Jan 22 at 06:48 PM

I prefer the variant where you solve the problem from the inside, but whatever gets the job done

Jan 22 at 06:47 PM

From Jason telegram, this very rich guy talks about all these healing options that emerge. He said they have some technology to change some circuitry in your brain and cold turkey you no longer crave the addictive substances

Jan 22 at 04:12 PM

♡999♡ I was listening to the other day, they seem they already have such technology. But it involves kind of frying some stuff in your brain. Not sure if that's a path I would want to take, but hey if nothing else cuts it and one is in dangerous of putting themselves in the grave because of the addiction, I suppose that's a better route then. It was a video that Jason posted a few days ago.


Jan 22 at 03:37 PM

♡999♡ Jesus was also "offered stuff". He did say NO from the start. Even if we were tempted by their offer, important is that we now see through. Can you imagine, we go through the same things that Christ himself went through? The same temptations, etc.

Isn't that amazing, and a reason to be joyful, thankful and strong?

Jan 22 at 03:21 PM

♡999♡ When I look at those pictures, they look rather creepy, indeed. I am sorry you have to experience that.

But let's not forget to be joyful, and thankful to the Source, I am pretty sure you will come out of this with some amazing lessons learnt.

Joy is one way of laughing in the face of evil. "You prepare a banquet for me in the presence of my enemies" said David the King. He knew a thing or two. Let's not give them too much credit. 

I was always impressed by the message of "Life Is Beautiful", the guy didn't lose his cool and joyfulness even when he was taken to be shot. A movie indeed, but a powerful lesson still.

Jan 22 at 02:16 PM

♡999♡ Does it even matter? Like in other situations where something/somebody slams doors, causes floors to creak, etc. but you don't see anybody, is it physical or spiritual? What matters is that it is expelled OUT.

I am sorry you have to go through this, but hang in there, you will be victorious.


Jan 22 at 11:52 AM

I think negative spirits resort to ET card these days to trick people.


Jan 22 at 11:50 AM

I would focus just on Christ, fill myself just with His Words which are pure Light and Truth. Once established with a good foundation, cleansed of all negative spirits, you have the power to kind of judge what else it is out there. At least, this is what has worked for me. Christ alone.

Jan 22 at 12:44 AM

♡999♡ Asking for help from He who can help, can get you over the hump. I've seen that over and over in life.

In my youth I got once so strongly infatuated with a girl that I felt like I could never get over it. The girl had her own rich boyfriend, and they were planning to get married. But I felt so deeply she was the ideal girl for me :-). Plus, we were on very different spiritual paths. My heart was totally captured, but my mind knew that the whole thing was just nuts.

So, I said, Father please help me get rid of this. IMMEDIATLY the whole lie evaporated as if it had never happened to me. It was all a hypnosis, most probably cast on me by one of those negative entities.

That experience made a huge impression on me. One minute was a prisoner of "love" the other gone as if it had never happened.

This poor lad, didn't know this "secret" about infatuation and he paid with his life for it: 2 Samuel 13 - Now Absalom, David’s son, had a beautiful sister, whose nam… | ESV.org
