
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 19 at 11:36 AM

♡999♡ Brendon Ha The Torah shows that Moses died without entering Canaan. Ray says he entered Canaan and lived for hundreds of years after. Also, in Rays of Light, Rabbi AA considers Moses a way higher being than Ray.

Now if what Ray/TLS says is true, that a soul can be in multiple bodies at the same time, then that could reconcile what Brendon feels strongly with what the Biblical record is.

IIRC in one of the later videos, Ray admits that he is also kind of bull-shitting us at times, for some higher reasons. So then how can one know what to take seriously and what not? That kind of dampened my enthusiasm a bit, to be honest...


Jan 19 at 01:43 AM

Don't recall ever coming over this information, what is it for?

Jan 19 at 01:39 AM

Gosh it took me so long until I finally began to see it. Now I cannot not see it anymore. Good one!

Jan 18 at 11:21 PM

I highly recommend those who still follow this operation to listen to the QAnon Shaman himself here on UNIFYD: https://unifyd.tv/programs/ivory-hecker-uncensored?cid=3144785&permalink=january-6-shaman-uncensored-interview-after-release-from-federal-prison

Jan 18 at 10:15 PM

Use this perseverance to spread truth instead, and sky is the limit to what one can achieve with such determination.

Jan 18 at 10:10 PM

Bro, what is to appreciate is your persistence. Now that in the interview that Jason posted, RFK Jr. was as clear as day, that his nephew died. 

Next time you see "JFK Jr." can you let him know that I would really prefer if he fixed his voice to not sound as broken as that of his uncle RFK Jr.? It is so hard to follow what he says using that broken voice.

Jan 18 at 10:00 PM

Kristin Surace one smart way is to attend groups and networks where such men exist.

Jan 18 at 09:44 AM

Brendon Ha it is prophesied that Moses and Elijiah are to be on the earth in the last days. Now if Ray were Moses, is it too much to expect that he would have a little more respect for the work that he wrote, meaning Torah? Not sure where Ray is now, people grow/change with time, but in Rays of Light he doesn't even seem to believe Torah is divinely inspired, he kind of thinks Torah is bunch of non-sense, etc. Rabbi AA seems deeply offended by Ray's anti-Torah tirades.

I would guess Moses would regard just a little bit higher, his own work, that he was deeply involved in writing. Me thinks.


Jan 17 at 05:49 PM

Chad Reetz Hold fast unto what you know to be the truth. That said, I believe being exposed to contrary beliefs and "truths" can sharpen and strengthen your own, if you yourself are on solid ground. If that shakes and confuses you, I'd say take a break from this.

I wondered many times why Moses had to go through the process of learning all the wisdom of Egypt at first. Can't say I know the answer fully, but at the same time, fact is that he did go through it all. And I will assure you, that it was not just pure Math, Astronomy, Medicine, etc. in the sense we see sciences today, voided of any spirituality and completely materialistic. Just read the writings still extant from those times...

Jan 17 at 05:37 PM

♡999♡ Same here, there is so much to explore and learn!
