
Chicago, IL, United States

Sep 11 at 08:26 PM

The more I learn about Jewish mysticism, since spending time on Rays of Light/Ray/Unifyd, the more I find out how initial "Christianity" and Jewish mysticism converge. No wonder, initially Christianity was nothing more than another "sect" within Judaism.

While Reformation did away with the concept of so-called Purgatory, I find out that the exposition Ray gives about the Land of Darkness corresponds quite well to the concept of Purgatory, at least as understood in the more ancient times, before the times of the Reformation.

Kaf HaKela, at least as espoused by Ray, seems to correspond quite precisely to the concept of Hades (Hell) as understood in early Christianity and talked about in the New Testament.

I grew up in a part of Christianity that flows from the Reformation, where there is no belief in a Land of Darkness (or Purgatory). What Ray talks about in here, makes me want to revisit that non-belief and study the concept more. 


Sep 02 at 03:48 AM

I have one, I love it. It's very nice to drive or let them do the driving for you. So quiet and smooth.

Jun 27 at 04:15 PM

Now I understand more why I was told that I am responsible for the way the world is currently. I was like what, who am I, in the end I am a nobody, how can I be responsible for where the world is right now. This helps me understand something the was puzzling to me.


Jun 12 at 03:40 PM

Kind of giving up on exercise in futility. Questions very rarely picked up and answered. The current format doesn't work when you have hundreds of people all vying for that small 1 hour and whatever posted by other means seem to go into a black hole. Looks like I have to figure out things on my own, as much as I can.


Jun 06 at 11:25 PM

Wow. This hit me right  into center of my being. Why was I not told these things before? Or maybe I didn't have ears to hear yet?


May 30 at 06:29 PM

This is not new, this has been said all along from the beginning...


May 22 at 11:48 AM

I usually keep an eye on what's latest in the area of Bible (both OT and NT) discoveries. As such I was totally surprised to find out Aaron Abke talk about some new documents supposedly coming out of Esene community which supposedly shed a more accurate light on who Jesus is. How come I have never heard about them up to now?Well, there is a reason why I haven't heard about these new great "discoveries".  First, these new "gospels" are not that new, the books were published at the beginning of 20th century, before the Qumran discoveries. Second, these "gospels" are totally made-up documents. I am disappointed Aaron pushes them as if the true Gospels. I won't say there is nothing to learn from them. But it's a little bit dishonest to push them as documents that describe the real Jesus in a more accurate light than the actual Gospels that we inherited from the 1st century.  They are NOT translations of 1st century documents; the author made them up, and he pretty much acknowledges it.


May 19 at 08:49 PM

Akhi but only some of these TLS related videos did cause AI to generate strange messages, almost spooky.

May 19 at 08:48 PM

FWIW, when I run these through the AI, I got strange messages that are not found in the actual audio. And they were totally logical and real content. Like being directed to certain web sites, etc. Maybe AI hallucinations, not sure. 

May 18 at 04:18 PM

What makes you think that?