
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 12 at 08:59 PM

The other day I was posting a post, it never showed up, and then shortly after, the whole site went down with a message about being under maintenance.

Hopefully it had nothing to do with my post, but rather just a freakish coincidence.


Jan 12 at 08:56 PM

Up to now, it has always been Eastern Time. I would say it's a pretty safe bet that continues to be the case, 6PM Eastern Time. Jason operates out of Eastern Time usually. He lives in Florida, as far as I know.


Jan 11 at 01:09 AM

Jesse Town I am not sure what Billy Carson says. But in semitic languages a family of words (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.) are usually formed from a common root, which is made up of consonants only. The root of Amen does form such family of words.  As Wikipedia explains, the Amun-Ra connection seems forced. The roots, being formed of consonants only, if one of the consonants is different, it usually results in totally different family of words and a totally different meaning. Amun, they say, starts with a different consonant than the Aleph of Amen.Unless some more evidence can be brought to light, the available data seems to point that this is just one of those interesting hypotheses, which people throw around by the thousands. Some get dismissed as more data becomes available, others end up being neither proven nor dismissed ever. 

Jan 11 at 12:16 AM

Another reference to Einstein from Disclosure 6:

23:26.800 --> 23:28.402

Jason: Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein? (question is if they were affiliated with TLS)

Ray: I don't know.

Jason: I speak about them and I ask about them specifically because Nikola Tesla is known for free energy.I know TLS does have devices that operate according to maybe that form of technology.And Albert Einstein, I believe, I know this isn't something that's widely believed in the common narrative and the mainstream narrative, but I believe that he did solve his unified formula. Showing the unification and interconnection of absolutely everything, which changes everything, and maybe that's been suppressed and silenced and censored.But that's why I ask, was he a part of it?Did they influence him without him even knowing what they were doing?

Ray: I have no clue. It's before my time.

Jan 11 at 12:12 AM

Ray on Einstein

I think I may have conflated with what somebody else who was interviewed by Jason said. If I remember who and what exactly it was said, I'll post. But IIRC, there was some accusation brought forth about Einstein taking credit for somebody else' work, in a rather dishonest way, etc.

These are the references I could find, as far as Ray/Jason is concerned (which seem rather positive):

"... your president at the time was Christian the people who worked with him were Christian the Jew who supposedly created the bomb Einstein was against it he did everything to stop it..."

Notice the "supposedly", it may have been Ray still that said the above, but I can't find the reference.

Jan 09 at 01:12 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 I think it's in one of the Pyramid Code series, if not mistaken Part II. I could probably get the exact one tonight. If you want, I can get you the transcript of the whole thing, or just the relevant portion.

Jan 08 at 10:39 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 I read/heard on the Internet, that kids abused develop what they call, Panda eyes. But in this case, it is probably what Jamie Okada talks about. 

Jan 08 at 10:34 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 I will be short on this one. People don't like bad news, when that news are supposed to be for them, not somebody else out there on the TV. if you want to get some insights and get prepared for the blowback, familiarize yourself with brother Jeremiah from the Scriptures :-)The deepest wounds and hardest to heal are those made by those of your own tribe. 


Jan 08 at 10:24 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 yeah Jesus said there was so much more he wanted to tell us, but we were not ready. We haven't put into practice not even a fraction of what He revealed to us. 

I listened to some of those recordings. Some of the background of how those came to be, raises some red flags to me, but I haven't investigated to subject deep enough. Like the fact that the "vessel" had to engage in "sex magic" to be more efficient at channeling, etc. I don't even know what "sex magic" but it just doesn't sound much like the way the revelation is described to have come through Jesus and the holy prophets in the Bible. At some point, I would like to look deeper into the subject though.