
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 08 at 10:17 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 Have you heard what Ray thinks of Einstein? And it's probably based on solid facts.

Jan 08 at 10:12 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 For almost half of my life I grew up under a government that made it illegal to possess a Bible. In many parts of the world today that is totally the case still. You risk your life if you are found with a Bible in your possession.

In western world, I would say due to the actual blood of many brave souls that came before us, Bible is available. But not because the "elite" want it to be so. That's so naive. But it is a pity when you see that the "elite" managed to denigrate and discredit the Bible, use it for their evil end goals, up to the point that people have access to it, but we don't have any hearing left to hear what it has to tell us. As I can see, making it illegal is less efficient in preventing people from hearing it, than letting people have it but teach them it all mythology, etc.

Jan 08 at 02:26 AM

If ask me, as great of minds both Spinoza and Eistein were, I would still go with Jesus because He proved He knew a little bit more about how this Universe works. Walking on water, restoring limbs/eyes instantly, raising dead people, and then He Himself getting resurrected with a new body that never dies. He was in the business of restoring life, not blowing it up in atomic explosions.

He most probably knew how to do that too, but he never used those kinds of powers. And when his disciples wanted to use some kind of destructive powers (bring fire from heaven to kill the opposants), he totally forbade them. A totally different vibration, that he is urging us to finally rise up to....

Jan 08 at 02:17 AM

I see many of us resonate with this kind of impersonal image of God.

To me it feels like it is a very different image than what Jesus was trying to portray to us. As far as I know, at least in Jewish venues, He was the first one to call God, Father. And He urges us in multiple places to pray. Not like a religious, dry and meaningless ritual, but like a communication between a son or daughter to their father. But if you are to choose between "praying" in a religious meaningless way, as if you are doing a ritual to please God or something, I would totally rather go the Spinoza path.

But Jesus shows us there is a third way of relating to God, which it would seem both Spinoza and Einstein didn't know about, at the point they made those declarations, at least.

Jan 08 at 02:07 AM

What is that kind of bloody thing under the eyes meaning in the posted picture? Or is it something well known that I don't know, as I am still kind of new to these parts?

Jan 08 at 01:29 AM

For the model I gave, the boiling chamber is not plastic, it is stainless steel, only the water collecting system is plastic.

Jan 07 at 10:50 PM

Abbey Skinner Thanks for sharing. At some point, I want to upgrade to the more expensive option, where purified water is integrated into your plumbing and you do not have to worry about cleaning up the deposits from distillation only like once every x week or so. Right now I manually carry the pitcher to the water dispenser and some larger glass jars for the kitchen cooking.

This sounds like a good option for that, I like the zero plastic!

Jan 07 at 10:06 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 As somebody who has been through a war and had to live with the psychological scars for decades after, I totally agree. It's bellow even animal level, so absurd.

Jan 07 at 08:48 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 I strongly hope and pray that the road toward that future doesn't have to go through like billions of us dying and then finally getting to the point where we say: war, never again.

Jan 07 at 08:45 PM

But for those who have to be in the line of fire right now, obviously, it is all very real. I sympathize with you guys!

I am sorry we haven't figured out a way yet to get to a point where war is no longer even a thought in anybody's mind that it would be an option for conflict solving.