
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 07 at 10:50 PM

Abbey Skinner Thanks for sharing. At some point, I want to upgrade to the more expensive option, where purified water is integrated into your plumbing and you do not have to worry about cleaning up the deposits from distillation only like once every x week or so. Right now I manually carry the pitcher to the water dispenser and some larger glass jars for the kitchen cooking.

This sounds like a good option for that, I like the zero plastic!

Jan 07 at 10:06 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 As somebody who has been through a war and had to live with the psychological scars for decades after, I totally agree. It's bellow even animal level, so absurd.

Jan 07 at 08:48 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 I strongly hope and pray that the road toward that future doesn't have to go through like billions of us dying and then finally getting to the point where we say: war, never again.

Jan 07 at 08:45 PM

But for those who have to be in the line of fire right now, obviously, it is all very real. I sympathize with you guys!

I am sorry we haven't figured out a way yet to get to a point where war is no longer even a thought in anybody's mind that it would be an option for conflict solving.

Jan 07 at 08:25 PM

I am barely keeping up with the news lately. When I am coming back to them, I am like, why are all these people so psyched up, all is good, earth is going toward an amazing future, what's up with all this freaking out, non-sense :-) ?

Jan 07 at 07:58 PM

Terri Monroe you are supposed to add those, at least to the water you use directly for drinking. I tried various options; I've found these ones from HealthRanger store to give water a quite pleasant taste: Concentrated Mineral Drops 8 fl oz (236ml) — Health Ranger Store

Drinking pure distilled water by itself is not pleasant. It's like drinking rainwater, not a pleasant taste.

Jan 07 at 07:54 PM

2☆XYLON☆2  I have 2 of these: Waterwise 3200 Countertop Water Distiller | Waterwise 

Very easy to use, but all plastic based (although they claim that plastic does not contaminate the water, but who can know for sure)

Abbey Skinner Do those use glass bottles instead?

Jan 07 at 07:21 PM

Revelation 2:22 talks about Jezebel, which as far as I understand, is a symbol for the religious systems of the earth. God hates those systems, including the "Christian" one, which is in focus in that text. But as Revelation shows it too, you will also find a lot of God's children in those circles.

In my personal experience I found what Ray says to be true. That religion keeps people away from God. Unfortunately, we are bamboozled to believe that Bible is a book of religion. Jesus was most fiercely opposed by the religious and political leaders of his time. And that is almost always the case, most religious and political leaders steal God's possession, The People for themselves and prevents them from discovering and growing in the knowledge of God.

Jan 07 at 07:10 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 Xylon is also the word for the cross. Jesus was hanged on a Xylon (tree, cross, etc.) Maybe they want you to look into if that death on the tree (cross) has any relevance to you, who knows.

Jan 07 at 05:55 PM

2☆XYLON☆2 I would be careful with sharing. You can get hurt really bad and need long time to heal. Probably share just with people you feel are on the same page.  2:22 is chasing me too, and some incredible stuff happened at first to draw attention to me about it. But I still don't fully get what's that about. I was also thinking to go through all the books of the Bible and see what each one says at 2:22. Haven't done it yet.
