
Chicago, IL, United States

Dec 18 at 05:56 PM

Akhi and if you sense some trace of upset, you sense right :-). I wish there was a way to redeem time lost chasing gooses.

Dec 18 at 05:55 PM

Michelle Reyes Love to you as well. Even higher beings disagree sometimes, Love matters more than how we may view this or that. Be blessed.

Dec 18 at 05:21 PM

Michelle Reyes I wouldn't be surprised to find out after Jason interview with Boby Kennedy Jr. comes out, the Jason is also "compromised". We can play these games forever; at some point we have to face reality.

Dec 18 at 05:18 PM

Michelle Reyes I know the story, everybody who exposes this movement as not legit, are immediately declared compromised... 

Gen Flynn was viewed almost like a God-like figure in the movement. Now that he speaks against the movement, he's compromised. Going to take a pass.

Dec 18 at 04:41 PM

Michelle Reyes Jacob Chansley was known as QAnon Shaman. He was imprisoned for getting inside Capitol on January 6  Many major conservative figures say the Q stuff (at least in latest incarnations) is not legit.

Gen Flynn and his family (they even sue CNN for claiming they are associated with it), Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, Steve Pieczenik, Jack Posobiec, Jerome Corsi, etc. etc. And now QAnon Shaman.

Some of them outright assert that it is a diversion driven by unfriendly forces and we should stay away from it.

Initially some of these guys were supportive of the movement, as it shone light on a lot of tragic things that happen in the dark. It might have been highjacked, I don't know.

IIRC, Jason says that in his interview with Boby Kennedy Jr. discusses also the claims made in some of these circles about his nephew.

Dec 18 at 01:52 PM

Michelle Reyes Well, just finding out that Jacob Chansley does not want any association with this any longer. The list is growing and growing. 

Dec 18 at 12:59 PM

Michelle Reyes i am not sure how making all these wild claims that Trump is still the president, etc. etc. has anything to do with saving children. Can't see the connection.

Dec 18 at 12:49 PM

And it definitely has great stuff in there. But Q thing, not sure...

Dec 18 at 12:47 PM

I am not going to go down the rabbit whole. Seems too detached from reality to me... I hope he is right though.

Dec 18 at 10:04 AM

Michelle, I did not see those movies. I am always on the lookout for good movies to watch, thank you for the recommendation.
