
Chicago, IL, United States

Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 17 at 11:00 PM

Covid did a pretty good number on me. I was very weakened for many weeks after.  A water fast of 7 days changed things dramatically. I was close to where I was before Covid after that fast. Later on, I noticed various Dr recommending fasting, I was like, there you go, I figured out that one myself. At the time I haven't seen anybody recommending fasting for post Covid treatment.

Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 17 at 09:25 PM

One thing that is hard for me to understand is that Bashar pushed people to get vaxed, and UNIFYD continues to push his content to the front and all. I mean he used a more "diplomatic" language, but if words mean anything, in the end Bashar clearly directed people to go ahead and get vaxed. Which for me, puts the whole Bashar business under a huge question mark. I mean somebody who is from the future, how come he didn't know all the information that has now come to light about what the thing is doing to so many people... 

In my country we had these renowned "prophets" that it turned out they were just secret services operatives and were used to control people. Given that the "prophets" had access to secret info, ahead of time, it was no wonder they could predict the future, and immediately get huge popularity. After communism failed, that information about these "prophets" came to light.

Dec 17 at 05:05 PM

Abbey Skinner Yeah, I am looking forward to the eggplant thing too. I haven't tried to go again without gum, to see if ringing comes back or not. Now I know to order ahead of time, so I don't go without it.


Dec 17 at 02:32 PM

I am chewing gum daily. It is a little bit irritating for the mouth, I plan on trying patches next. And sometimes I break out in a cough when I start chewing and nicotine is not dissolved from the gum yet (possibly a little bit of allergic reaction, not sure).

About 1 year after Covid, I started to develop an irritating ear ringing. Never had such problems before. About 3 days after chewing nicotine gum, the ear ringing completely went away. While waiting for my next order I was without gum for about 1 week. Unfortunately, the ringing started to come back again by the end of the week. Seems like you need to continue with it. 

Dec 17 at 02:02 PM

AerinLeigh I think disharmony can affect an environment, unfortunately negatively. Hopefully they get to an agreement soon. I almost wish I could exchange my place here, so you could enjoy, it's managed by a nice family. 

Dec 17 at 01:57 PM

AerinLeigh I just had my second session here in Vernon Hill, IL. I forget to ask about camera, but looked around could not see any camera, and I am pretty sure, if there was one, I would have been told.

For this session, I had my puppy with me. So much like home that I fell deeply asleep with my puppy next to me or on my lap.

I had all these interesting dreams with angels, and it was as if I flipped into a different dimension where this heavenly choir was playing. Wow, that music, nothing like you can normally hear in the natural realm. I had to turn off the music in the room to be able to enjoy the other music without interference.

After the session, I felt like I connected with my puppy like I never had before. It's hard to explain. He is now even more attached to me than before. 


Dec 16 at 05:09 PM

Note that in Modern Eastern Aramaic the second pronunciation of B (Beth) is the sound W (same as Waw) and P is very rarely pronounced as F. As such in the 1st verse of Matthew you have Khtawa instead of Kthava for book. And P is most aways just P, almost never F. If you switch to Modern Western Aramaic, P is almost always F.

Just fyi, in case you notice the difference from what Grammar books would usually say. Real life vs. academic rules.

Dec 16 at 12:21 AM

This is a question that humanity has been struggling with since the beginning. Why is evil allowed to happen? Job asked that in the Bible too. The answer he got, was not what he was expecting, but it resulted in him humbling himself and realizing that the Creator was way beyond his limited powers of comprehension.  

For some suffering transform them in angels, while for others exactly the same circumstances, transforms them in devils.

That being said, our duty as limited in comprehension humans is still to do everything possible to eliminate evil and suffering. 

Dec 15 at 02:18 PM

I am thinking she made a mistake. She probably meant red.


Dec 14 at 11:59 AM

"Mrs. Romney was introduced to several practitioners of holistic medicine, who persuaded her to adopt alternative therapies. She now eats organic foods and very little meat. She practices reflexology and undergoes acupuncture treatments. She credits the lifestyle with turning her health around."