
Chicago, IL, United States

Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 14 at 10:35 AM

Well then, he would have to put himself in prison too, he was one of its biggest promoters, until people began to see the results and it was no longer smart to continue promoting it.

Saying it, just so that we do not get disillusioned, if he gets elected again. Remember "Lock her up"? Anything happened to that?

Dec 14 at 12:44 AM

Aim My bad, I thought this question was addressed to me, didn't realize at first this is under the comment @Abbey Skinner posted.

My wishes of wellness and health to you still stand.


Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 14 at 12:24 AM

Ryan Have you searched to see if it is already available? Because it is: https://rumble.com/v3vgl7m-the-time-is-now-a-2021-covid-19-documentary.html


Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 14 at 12:23 AM

This is already public, where it is allowed to exist: https://rumble.com/v3vgl7m-the-time-is-now-a-2021-covid-19-documentary.html 


Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 14 at 12:21 AM

Dec 13 at 11:50 PM

Aim From the bottom of my heart, I wish you speedy and full recovery. No matter what the issue is.

Besides EES, you might want to look into eating organic plants and also, if possible, fasting too, small amounts of time at first. But if on medication, fasting usually is not possible...


Dec 13 at 11:29 PM

Akhi Now that you asked that; I wonder if the fact that I switched to a mostly vegan diet, and I am fasting from time to time, has something to do with not needing any medication any longer.

In my 30ties I used to be on all sorts of pills. No pill now, and I am just realizing it, I didn't need them for the last 15 years or so. My doctor took me off of them at the time, she said you no longer needed them. Wow, thank you my Father!

Longer fasting and EES experience, they do feel similar to me, with regards to the results. Just that EES is a lot easier than fasting.

Also, it was only when I switched to vegan that I began to have all these unexpected spiritual experiences. Wow this is so amazing, I am only now making more clearly the connection. I was always like, how come that when I switched to vegan, my spirituality also shot up, but it was just an unanswered question.

Dec 13 at 11:09 PM

Aim no known disability or sickness here, as far as I know. I wanted to go and see for myself what EES is all about.

When I say it felt like my body turned back the clock, I wish I could be more explicit, as a married man ... :-)


Dec 13 at 11:00 PM

AerinLeigh maybe there is another center within reasonable distance?

About the place in Vernon Hills IL, that I went to, I appreciated the feeling of comfort and safety. I even fell asleep, and I felt like a pampered baby. I wish I could go more often.

Dec 13 at 09:06 PM

I didn't have to sign a waiver for such things, and I also looked around and didn't notice any cameras at the center where I went. It seems something peculiar to that center.