
Chicago, IL, United States

Dec 11 at 11:06 AM

Cate   have you seen Jason post about  UNIFYD Healing Update | December 11th at 3PM EST - YouTube  ? It's probably a bit early in Australia, just letting you know, in case you can make it.


Dec 10 at 02:05 PM

First thing my mind goes to when I see that, is the Hebrew letters Gimmel and Alef (in a more approximate form as if somebody is just learning how to draw them).  In fact, in history, as the script evolved, in some stages they looked pretty much identical to how you draw them.  See here: Cursive Hebrew - Wikipedia

In ROL, Rabbi AA continually urges Ray to learn/read Hebrew and Aramaic (I think he is talking about Classical versions of them, as Ray already speaks Modern Hebrew, which is a little bit different).

Who knows, maybe those will be lingua franca again, in the new world that is coming. They were so in the history, so it could happen again. I am thinking of all these people all over the world who have this desire to learn these languages, all of the sudden, something must be driving it.


Dec 09 at 07:32 PM

Sometimes if you have to speak in a language that you are not native to, you may try to help yourself get the ideas out by gesticulating a lot. I do that too, as English is not my native language. In my case is almost a symptom of frustration, as it is so difficult to get complex ideas out, when using a non-native language.

People when are under lots of stress/excitement may end up switching to their mother tongue, without even realizing it. If you watched, I love Lucy, you would see that idea comically brought out, with Ricky switching to Spanish when he is under psychological stress. Jesus, when on the cross, it seems it switched to his native Aramaic dialect, making people wonder what He was talking about, as it was not the dialect they spoke. Real humanity manifesting itself with all its limitations.

If you don't have this experience (e.g. speak only English) it may be hard to identify. Note that the voice speaking with perfect English pronunciation seems to be an AI generated one.

Commented on What makes this okay?

Dec 08 at 06:31 PM

And in the long run, you pay less with annual.

Commented on What makes this okay?

Dec 08 at 06:28 PM

The only thing extra that I am aware of going on right now, is access to another forum that is not publicly available and access to the latest chapter from ROL, called trans(c)edusing.

Private forum, not much activity, most of posting happens on this forum only, and it is no different than this one in form.

Access to extra chapter, Jason says like everything else published wrt Ray/TLS, it will become freely available to everybody after a while.


Dec 07 at 08:52 PM

T Cobb they have a place here to ask questions specifically for Ray or TLS:  https://unifyd.tv/pages/site-support the last link https://44ev6j23bhs.typeform.com/tv-support


Dec 06 at 11:17 AM

My parents gave me a name that means Guardian/Watchman in some ancient language. I need to couple that with Love and some powerful combination may come to light, hopefully.


Dec 06 at 11:05 AM

3Caleb6Reeves9 You guys giving me so much! I am the one helped here. So much LOVE.


Dec 05 at 12:51 PM

3Caleb6Reeves9 posted so many already :-)