
Chicago, IL, United States

Dec 05 at 12:50 PM

Megan S I see now what you mean. In the end good will come out of what was meant for evil.


Dec 05 at 11:14 AM

3Caleb6Reeves9 my question about what Ray means in Trans(c)edusing new chapter that a certain person is "an idol worshipper" still stands.

Isn't the revelation that came via the Jewish pipeline that we are to worship the Source alone, and no other gods besides Him, correct any longer in these days?

But it is so difficult to actually get clarification from TLS or Ray itself, it seems.

Dec 05 at 01:50 AM

Found the word David Icke uses for basically the same entity as Satan in Judaism/Christianity:  Wetiko.


Dec 05 at 01:15 AM

The book is here: The Pyramid Code | Jason Shurka 

The 2 videos discussing the book and other things are found here:

The Pyramid Code Pt.1 (unifyd.tv)

The Pyramid Code Pt. 2 (unifyd.tv)

Dec 05 at 01:01 AM

Megan S Thank you for the nice and considerate reply.  I just listened today to David Icke videos on this site. He indeed drives the point that the trans agenda and this confusion of sexes is driven from the evil side. He has a peculiar word for it that I don't remember now, it's a different word he uses to refer to what in Hebrew world view is called Satan.


Dec 05 at 12:49 AM

Following on the continuous nudge by Rabbi AA in ROL to learn Torah in original, I created this tool here to help learning Torah in Classical Hebrew: https://heblang.github.io/torah/bereshit/index.html

On verse 27 it says in original (with transliteration): Zakhar unkevah bara otam = male and female He created them. I am told that in the original Hebrew, "Zakhar unkevah" are pretty explicit words with clear reference to the different body anatomy of the two different sexes.


Dec 05 at 12:27 AM

If you read the beginning of Torah, it repeats over and over again, "male and female made He them". As if Somebody knew what we will be going through in these last days, and wanted to make sure we get it; human beings are created male and female.

If you listen to stuff posted on this site, the overall idea is that this sudden and intense drive to do away with sexes comes from very evil circles. E.g. David Icke is one of those saying that, etc.


Dec 04 at 01:22 AM

I will skip it for now, not familiar, thanks for sharing.


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Dec 03 at 11:29 PM

In the NT it is shown, that is possible through the Holy Spirit. Jesus, as a man, not God (He laid aside his divinity) knew things before they happen. The Bible seem to imply that only God can know the future. His Spirit can show us things to come though. But I don't believe anybody else poses an ability themselves to see the future. When it happens and we know the future, it is because His Spirit gave it to us.

Dec 03 at 08:17 PM

UNIFYD World Member Support having private channels, limited to members only, could that be an option? For example, a 'rol-discussions' channel. Such topic channels could have certain conditions, e.g. you must have had at least read the book to contribute. And discussions must be kept focused on the subject of the channel. 
