
Chicago, IL, United States

Dec 01 at 01:24 PM

UNIFYD World Member Support should be able to help, I guess.

Dec 01 at 08:36 AM

I think if you cancel you get money for the rest of unused portion. Then you can rejoin and get the new deal.

Dec 01 at 12:14 AM

Staci Tave in case you do have access, then it should be here:  https://unifyd.tv/programs/rays-of-light

as a PDF download together with the rest of the ROL in Heb or Eng.

Nov 30 at 11:59 PM

Most welcome

Nov 30 at 11:57 PM

I hear is only available for the time being to annual membership. They will make it available to everybody at some point, as they have done with all other stuff.

Nov 30 at 07:51 PM

3Caleb6Reeves9 if you have a link to where she talks, in particular about this, I would be much interested to read/listen.

Nov 30 at 07:38 PM

3Caleb6Reeves9 very interesting, where is this information from? I already asked here on these forums, if somebody can explain what's up with this experience, where at times, I just have energy flowing strongly through my hands or eyes. I would like to look more into this.


Nov 30 at 07:26 PM

3Caleb6Reeves9 I don't know where you got this information from, but second wave is describing me. Although I wasn't really interested in having kids initially, the ones I have (at later age) are very much like you described. From them the first time I ever heard somebody telling me about the color of the numbers, and all sorts of stuff like that.


Nov 30 at 07:14 PM

3Caleb6Reeves9 Hah, one mystery that I couldn't ever explain. Also I don't know if it happens to all people or not.

When I was a kid, and I was seeing the night sky with the stars, I wanted SO MUCH to go to the stars, that I felt almost like my spirit would leave my body, if I gazed at the sky more. I would HAVE TO stop looking at the sky, otherwise I would feel I was drawn so strong, that my spirit would just burst out of my body and fly to the starts.  A longing so deep, almost painful in intensity. 

As I reached maturity that longing has gotten less in intensity and now I kind of enjoy being here, no longer wanting so badly to leave for the stars. 

I could never get a satisfactory explanation for this. But now I am at least at peace when I see the sky, I am not in danger of almost dying from longing so deep for those stars.


Nov 30 at 06:31 PM

3Caleb6Reeves9 your love can be felt in all you write. That really impresses me.

Totally agree you can't fail with LOVE. outside of that, we are all on the path trying to figure out the mysteries of the Universe. And I guess nobody has gotten yet all there is to get. 
