
Chicago, IL, United States

Nov 25 at 03:54 PM

I've made updates to gematria table to show the sequential numbers of letters too. Using this Gematria table in conjunction with latest ROL chapter, you could make sense of some of the passages.

Nov 24 at 08:41 PM

It is found here, together with the 2 English/Hebrew pdf already released years ago:


Nov 24 at 07:42 PM

I can so much agree with you! I truly envy Ray (in a good way) and those in their circles that they have the help of people very advanced in these matters. What can one say, I am happy for them.

Nov 24 at 07:39 PM

Isn't it so great to find a confirmation? I wish there was a way for TLS or somebody as advanced as them, to maybe have some sessions (even if remotely) with us. Plus, with all the highly energetic material they put out, we are getting activated even more. Some guidance like Ray got, would be highly appreciated/helpful. 

Nov 24 at 03:17 PM

UNIFYD Community Manager can I get the Hebrew version, please? This is getting 🔥!

Nov 24 at 12:10 PM

Good question, I can't find it on unifyd.tv either.

I did download a version on my local computer though, when it was visibly advertised.

Nov 24 at 11:52 AM

See https://www.youtube.com/@JasonShurka26 and many other social media platforms. You can find stuff in there that is not even published here, lots of it.

A pure example of love in action, on display here?

Let us, in love, remind each other that:"(Love) does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;"

Nov 24 at 11:37 AM

Everything TLS/Ray puts out, usually is available to UNIFYD members first, but not long after is published to the whole world on whatever platform POSSIBLE.  Think just a little bit, you have millions in reach, and you post truth about Rothchilds, Gates, etc , do you know what happens after 2020, on some platforms?

You do not need a membership to watch this. Open another browser windows where you are not logged in and see if there is any restriction to watching https://unifyd.tv/programs/the-pyramid-code-pt-2

Part 1 is already available in full on Rumble: THE PYRAMID CODE (Part 1) | FULL INTERVIEW | Share this everywhere!!! (rumble.com)  it is possible they just didn't get to publishing Part 2 in there too.

As for other content here, note that it is copyrighted material, I am pretty sure they have to pay to the copyright holders for streaming it, at least to some of them. 

Nov 23 at 01:46 AM

JCisTheWayTheTruthTheLight Now this platform has things from many people and many opinions, but if you research what comes via TLS, you might find out that it clarifies a lot of things. And it could end up being helpful to you in the end. It certainly has helped me get a lot of things clarified.

They are totally against accessing these powers by the way of shortcuts, mushrooms, deals with Satan and what not, even forcing yourself to have them, is frowned upon. They should come naturally, as you first grow in LOVE, PEACE, JOY, etc. And that's the right way.  

Was Jesus using magical powers and communing with the dead, when Moses and Elijah was consulting with him wrt to matters of the Kingdom of God?

Let's not be quick to pass judgement. We might be surprised by what we find out, if we have a teachable ear.