
Chicago, IL, United States

Nov 19 at 09:53 PM

Christy Overton  You are welcome! I so much appreciate your feedback! Keep an eye on:  Bereshit - 1 (heblang.github.io) 

More verses will come in the upcoming week. For now, you can practice the alefbet on the first verse of Torah, and incidentally learn/understand it. You can select the Consonants only, if the Nikkud confuses.


Nov 19 at 08:04 PM

Christy Overton  thank you much for the feedback. 


Nov 19 at 09:58 AM

In the first episode she says she is concerned for him, Jason is her friend, they worked on projects together, they know each other very well. It could be that she is trying to protect him, not to put out too much.

Nov 18 at 11:24 AM

Maia Wishing you God speeds.

Nov 18 at 10:28 AM

How come they couldn't stop the colonizers from exterminating them?  Was it because they would not use violence?

I mean it is an honest question that I have, trying to understand, as I see this dilemma in many places on earth. You read or hear of all these people with all these incredible powers, yet it seems the raw and crude power of the knife and the gun beats them all, over and over, and those cultures simply disappear. 

Nov 17 at 08:29 PM

When Jason talks about the "race" that have dolphin like necks and faces, it immediately came to my mind that I actually know those guys quite well. I was like I totally know what Jason is talking about; I know those guys very intimately.

Now I am like, what?! I am raking my mind, where could I have known them from, maybe there was a movies I saw, or what? But my remembrance of them is more profound that what you can see in a movie. But this thing is still hidden in the depths of my memory, only a small light bulb lighted up, when Jason was talking about it, and that's it.

Who knows maybe one day this will all make sense. For now mystery, where in the world could have known these guys from? My mind doesn't want to help more than this yet.

Nov 17 at 09:19 AM

My Aloe Vera juice was not that pleasant either, it was pure Aloe, nothing else. It took away urine taste though, enough for me not to realize I was drinking it, until after the fact. In my case it worked miraculously.

Have you listened to the 3 videos on Unifyd TV? I don't recall now, but they most probably address your question as well.

If you eat vegan, not much salt, and plenty of liquids, taste is not much of an issue any longer.

But otherwise meat does give it a more unpleasant taste. You might want to see if Aloe Vera mixture works for you. Walgreens (in my area at least) sells 1 gallon jugs at reasonable prices. Way cheaper than Forever Living, but Walgreens one has preservatives...

Nov 17 at 02:20 AM

Cate, I am so sorry you have to go through this. I wish I knew what I could say or do, that would provide some comfort or help.  

Here's what happened to me, but the nature of my disease was somewhat more transient, although extremely uncomfortable and painful.  Maybe you want to look into it, who knows, it might help?

In my case was short of miraculous, the recovery was almost instant, I never experienced something like that in my entire life yet. If you listen on all that is posted on this site, you might come to realize that is backed by serious study. When we fight disease we eliminate antibodies that could help if put back into circulation. I hear that's how people survived in the past snake bites.


To get all on the subject here, do this search:https://unifyd.tv/catalog/search?search=urine

Nov 15 at 11:48 AM

Is it possible that many who are moving on unexpectedly these days are just the blessed ones who are spared what is to come, just before the age of Love finally comes to fruition?

See what Ray says that it might be needed for a short while, before we finally shift. It's not to fear but to be even more motivated, so any dark period is as short as possible. What comes after it will be amazing!

Nov 14 at 07:16 PM

Have we read/watched all the information they put out? Maybe that is one of the first vetting steps? Maybe we need to learn to live at a higher level, before can be more of use for such work as they do?

But I hear you, having a teacher(s) that could be more intimately involved with us, in like smaller groups, would be so helpful!!!

Jason does a great job, but this community has grown so much, it is impossible for a single person to fill in such a task.