
Chicago, IL, United States

Nov 02 at 12:12 PM

Thank you for the feedback. 


A transcription of the video found here: https://unifyd.tv/community/posts/middle-east-update-transcription-done-with-whisper-ai

Read it carefully. Those who say "nothing new" they probably missed some important bits of information, to get to that conclusion.

Nov 02 at 01:03 AM

I have found Ray's clarifications very helpful. Before, I kept on asking myself, why is China posting Internet maps with Israel removed from them, why are China aircraft carriers where they are, why Russia, China veto UNSC resolution condemning Hamas, etc. This is all now making more sense.

I have posted here (https://unifyd.tv/community/posts/middle-east-update-transcription-done-with-whisper-ai) a transcription of the video, to help better get the depth of what Ray is positing. It may have a transcription error here and there but overall, it gets it correctly. 

Seems like this platform is about to give out, from the number of people trying to get this update. Or, it is maybe under attack.

Nov 01 at 01:44 PM

There is definitely something there that people all over all of the sudden feel the need to learn Hebrew and Aramaic. 

Now Modern Hebrew is not quite the same as Ancient Hebrew, but as far as I can see, the 2 a very close. So mastering one definitely helps with the other. 

Oct 31 at 03:59 PM

E.g. for austonouts in space right now, they say time passes slightly different than us on the earth. Hard to wrap you head around this, how could it be.

Oct 31 at 03:57 PM

About 40 vs 10, it is 40 years or 10 years from whose system of reference? The actual Hebrews who wondered or the non-humans who, Bible is quite explicit, were involved intimately.

Oct 31 at 03:53 PM

IIRC, he says 10 years, but interesting, that could well be it why he calls it confusion. It is a great confusion, at least for him.

Commented on J LUKE, 1ST ATTEMPT

Oct 31 at 01:53 PM

I personally don't believe in reincarnation, at least not how it is popularly understood. A couple of questions though:

How many times all the dead people in the Bible who experienced resurrection from the dead (both in OT and NT) die? Once?

Which manifestation of the Spirit is the greatest of all, one that God Himself says that He is?

Do you know that in the Internet world writing in all CAPS is considered rude and like somebody shouting angrily and behaving like a non-gentleman?

Who is the most respectful and the greatest gentleman of all in the whole Universe?

Oct 31 at 12:10 AM

I just looked at the copyrights, while ROL is copyrighted, Pyramid Code has no copyright attached to it, neither the audio. So I suppose we can freely use it for this purpose. All I could find in Pyramid Code copyright wise is: 

Feel free to save it and share it with whomever you’d like!

Jason and UNIFYD, please let me know if any concerns, before I put too much effort into it.