
Chicago, IL, United States

Feb 24 at 03:33 PM

So you indirectly admit that the whole white hats in control thing is nothing more than a rehash of the old Operation Trust thing?

How does this go with the almighty cue and his mighty white hats being in full control of everything and just playing a movie for us, while we safely lie down and get fat from enjoying too much🍿?


Feb 20 at 11:06 AM

I've seen Trump doing that all the time. I was do it too, sometimes, when in front of people doing nothing. Me, I am doing it because I am uncomfortable in front of the people, and I don't know what to do with my hands :-) It feels like you are stretching your fingers, and that somehow releases some of the tension. Besides visiting just once the Masonic Temple close here to my house, I don't have anything else to do with that organization. Even that visit was only out of curiosity after reading all this stuff on the Internet. 

What I found in that case was just a bunch of mostly retired people eating pizza and talking about how to help the community and also about possible ways to get funds to prevent their temple from basically collapsing, as it is in very bad shape currently. That's how far my affiliation with free-masonry goes. Just in case somebody saw me making those "signs", out of boredom. For the future I will try to avoid doing it, to avoid confusion.

Feb 18 at 02:02 PM

Amanda Simpson  "Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God." That is a quote from the Apostle Peter, who is a highly elevated human. We would be smart to pay attention to what he has to say.  He had such powers working through his body that even just his shadow passing over somebody would result in that person getting instantly healed. If we think there is nothing to learn from him, a reality check might help us get the right perspective. 

Feb 18 at 01:55 PM

Amanda Simpson With sense of reverence and respect for somebody who is very powerful, beyond comprehension. What is it so hard to understand? That kind of "fear", like when we "fear" powerful natural phenomena, like gravity, thunder, or even say, lions/tigers in the wild. You respect the power; you don't fool around like nobody is there. Yet some of us treat God like it is our little genie there to fulfill our every whim, no respect for Him and also no respect whatsoever for what He tells us that it is good for us to do.  When you begin to realize who He is, you start to reverence Him, that's when you begin to be smart/wise. ChatGPT gets what "fear of God" is, if you ask it. It seems false religion has done a good job of muddying the waters.

E.g. we respect or "fear" the powerful offices of the president, king/queen, judge of the court, yet most of us show way less "fear" for God Himself, who is the source of all power, authority and love.

Feb 17 at 12:05 PM

Actually, my post is incorrect. I totally like SuperNatural but, my brain always read it as SupraNatural. Even when I wrote myself it in my post above. This is funny to me :-) 

Only now I realize the trick my brain played on me. 🤣

Feb 15 at 10:27 AM

I love it too! Supernatural


Feb 12 at 06:34 PM

Shane Vogt If you accept/invite/submit to Jesus as your Master/Boss/Lord/God, you share in His triumph over all evil and even over death itself.

Wicked spirits not even don't dare bother you, they tremble in fear because of you. It's because you share in that authority and power that He secured for Himself and all of those who want to be of Him.

"All power in heaven and the earth has been given me" He says.

This is not dead religion, it is truth. It's something real and very natural, and anybody can very easily be partaker of that authority. No rituals, or sophisticated prayers, or what not, needed. Just to simply ask. That's all.

Feb 12 at 03:12 PM

So nice to offer this! I have in person one, but I love it still.

Feb 10 at 06:47 PM

MuziksmyRX There are a lot of people like that around here.


Feb 10 at 04:24 PM

MuziksmyRX is there anybody who is not?
