
Chicago, IL, United States


Apr 01 at 12:52 AM

Conspiracies, conspiracies

I just came over this article, I don't know much about who this guy is, but boy does he describe the exact state of mind I was in when sucked into the conspiracy vortex.

I felt something was not right, but couldn't quite pinpoint it, at the time. As he puts it, it drains your spiritual energies. When you wake up, you just realize how you wasted so much precious time, which could have been used for true spiritual growth instead...

If I helped at least one person with this, that would make me so happy:


Please my brothers and sisters, our time on earth is so short and valuable, let's spend it wisely, by growing spiritually. See the kind of questions the author poses? Are we truly growing spiritually, by feeding on this stuff? Are we growing in LOVE, PEACE, JOY, are we truly changing the world by calling people stupid and all sorts of names, because they can't see the illusive truth that only we can see?

I am posing these questions as somebody who is the least the one to throw a stone.



Mar 12 at 01:20 PM

Cassidy Baumann or anybody from UNIFYD TV there is NO AUDIO at the mummies event.



Feb 25 at 02:28 PM

For those interested to learn and understand the Divine Words in original Hebrew, I put out Exodus 20: https://heblang.github.io/torah/shemot/02_Shemot_020.html

  • no need to know Hebrew, you learn the meaning as you hear and follow on the highlighted word.

  • you can put a pause between words

  • you can click on a word to hear it spoken again

  • if Hebrew alphabet is not known yet, one can select transliteration either Phonetic or Precise and follow that instead

    The other day I was so pleasantly surprised when I heard a guy quoting from Hebrew Exodus 20 and realized I totally understood everything he said. Yet I can't say I speak Hebrew yet. But if somebody quotes in Hebrew from Genesis 1 or Exodus 20, I totally understand what they say. Isn't that AMAZING?



Feb 03 at 01:06 AM

Face peelers

Really disturbing rabbit hole! Who can help these people? TLS or anybody who has some kind of "matching" technology? Or crying out for help to the higher being? Or both?




Jan 27 at 09:40 AM

About importance of purity and living sober lives.

So, if we can't digest Jesus and his teaching, here's this Indian "guru" about the importance of living pure.

Now not everybody is called like him, to never marry and such. But still, notice how he finishes his message, which is addressed to everybody, married or not. Purity (holiness in Biblical terms) is a must when getting deeper into the spirit world. Otherwise, you might attract unclean/un-pure entities, the kind that "match" your lifestyle, if living un-pure.



Jan 27 at 09:25 AM

Jason's first interview about TLS

I listened to Jason's first afaik public interview, about TLS. Found here: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1100-the-best-of-coast-to-coas-18899828/episode/the-light-system-best-of-70613436/

Notice that he was asked in clear terms to not use alcohol, drugs or any other mind interfering substance. It is very important to live pure lives when getting deeper into this neck of the woods. Otherwise, who knows what kind of "ETs" you find yourself given your body to. 

He who has ears, let them hear.


Jan 27 at 09:13 AM

My EES overnight-er

So, I finally had my overnight session. Besides having to go use the bathroom a lot, nothing unusual noted this time.

Well, there was something somewhat unusual, my puppy had to use the bathroom a lot too. It is completely unusual for him to ask himself to go pee a couple of times during the night, especially that he was well exercised the prior day. So that somewhat fragmented my relaxation and sleep.

I also started to read the RoL again, and I keep on noticing more things that I haven't noticed before. For example, some years back, I was also woken up regularly for some good weeks at 2 am sharp to get my "lessons" from somebody. Ray was woken up at 3 am. But his 3am is actually my 2am so it's at the same time of the night. Interesting...


Jan 24 at 08:14 PM

Rabbi AA and books he recommends to Ray

There is a list of books Rabbi AA recommends Ray to read. Has anybody looked at all into those? I haven't, just curious if anybody did and if they have any thoughts, etc.


Jan 24 at 08:13 PM

Rabbi AA and Talmud

I don't recall Rabbi AA ever mentioning the Talmud. He again and again recommends Ray that he immerses in the study of Torah, but I don't recall any mention of Talmud. Not that I wanted he did, at all.

Any thoughts on that?



Jan 20 at 04:40 AM

Unvaccinated blood bank

If you ever in need of blood transfusions, and care about if it is from Covid 19 vaccinated donors or not, https://www.remnantnursing.org/ 

They have unvaccinated blood banks. Hopefully nobody ever needs it, but just in case.