
Chicago, IL, United States


Jan 19 at 08:32 PM

RoL focused group

UNIFYD Community Manager a couple of us, a while back, expressed their desire to have a channel focused on Rays of Light study/discussions mostly. Is that an option?

I can understand the reticence, if any, as we don't want to create new divisions and disunity. But still, in my opinion, it would be of help to those who want to get more out of that text. This is something that is very common on any discussion forum I attended in the past. They would offer a General section, where everything goes and then focused sections.

Not everybody is interested in that text, but for those who do, it would be helpful.


Jan 17 at 11:57 AM

Disclosure series and AI hallucination

The process of AI hallucination, where it give you stuff totally made up with no relation to reality is a well-known concern. 

Now I put Disclosure series through Whisper AI to extract the text for my own use. It does hallucinate at times. What's quite surprising is what those hallucinations contain. Like links to real sites, and other messages. Those are not part of the actual video, so I have no idea how AI comes up with those.



Jan 11 at 12:29 AM

Creating a bot trained on Ray, Rabbi AA and TLS

An idea. But I am a little hesitant, because it could help one to blow Ray's cover, maybe.

We could train a Language Model (AI) on all the data and audio available wrt to Ray, Rabbi AA and TLS. Make it available somewhere. Then people could just ask questions with natural language queries. It could also help us not waste Ray's time with questions that are already covered in the available data.

I am not sure, what do you think?

I may be tempted to do that at least for my own private use.


Jan 09 at 04:32 PM


Jan 08 at 11:39 PM

Czebotar Jessie

I've seen her captured in one of the video on UNIFYD TV. Do you guys know of her? What do you think? Do you think the world moves the way she says it does? I heard her saying that about 60 percent of people in leadership in governments today are knowingly in service to an evil agenda.


Jan 07 at 02:52 AM

Sudden silence

I used to look at notification bell to see new posts here. All of the sudden huge lack of activity, or so I thought.

I am now getting notifications mostly just about UNIFYD Member activity and direct replies to my older posts. Strange, it seems.


Jan 03 at 01:27 AM

Puppy ascension

Since I started eating mostly vegan, my puppy barks for, asking for my carrots and my salads, as if the juiciest steak or dog treat in the world. He gobbles them with that kind of enjoyment.
That's strange. Looks like he doesn't want to be left behind from ascension, he wants to go there together with me :-). So curious. Maybe that show that animals can revert back to eating plants, like it was in the beginning. It maybe just has to start with the humans first.


Jan 01 at 05:07 AM

Wishing you all a Happy and Blessed New Year!



Dec 22 at 11:53 PM

My third EES Session

I had my third EES session today. I also took my fat cat with me. Hopefully he is helped by it. He slept like a baby all throughout it.

Not much unusual this time around. Last session where I had my dog with me was surreal.

What was new this time was my thumb which I basically smashed about 4 years ago, by dropping furniture on it (X-Ray showed it was basically smashed and I need to be careful with it all the time not to hit it, otherwise pain is pretty bad).

This time around my thumb was all tingly. And also, my gums started to tingle.  Hopefully that means healing.



Dec 19 at 08:40 PM

Our Father - in Aramaic

Mattai 6 - Our Father (aramlang.github.io) 

I am happy to make available Our Father in Aramaic, in a form that makes it easy to quickly learn it. Click/Tap on a single word to hear it over and over again. Or select a single verse, e.g. 9 to 9 to hear it over and over, until your mind learns it.

I am usually starting my day with Our Father in Aramaic, prayed a couple of times.

For me it helps to pretty quickly shift into the higher level of love, peace, joy, and such. I hope it also works that way, or even better for you. Plus, I really want that new world to come really soon, where on earth as well, it is as in heaven. If we ask, we shall receive.

Also, it feels like it has more meaning and power for me when prayed in Aramaic, than when prayed in other languages. In Aramaic it also has a certain poetry and rhythm to it, that gets lost when translated in other languages.

I hope this helps us learn Our Father in Aramaic and also helps advance a little on the way to mastering Aramaic and Hebrew.