
Chicago, IL, United States


Dec 18 at 08:22 PM

25% off for first timers

I am not sure if I gave the link to Vernon Hills, IL EES center: https://energyzonevh.com/

I took advantage of the great 25% discount + 10% for being an UNIFYD member and booked 4 hours first time.

Those in the area, first timers, feel free to take advantage. Enjoy! 


Dec 16 at 06:59 AM

Learn, and you shall know... Aramaic

For those interested, here we have chapter 1 of Matthew in Aramaic. Pronunciation is in the eastern Aramaic dialect.

Enjoy: https://aramlang.github.io/nt/ar/

Questions, feedback welcome.

Rabbi AA and Adam is urging their disciple to learn Torah and NT, and to learn Classical Hebrew and Aramaic. 

https://aramlang.github.io/nt/ar/ and https://heblang.github.io/torah/bereshit/index.html is an easy way to get one started. No grammar knowledge is needed; you learn the same way a child learns a new language. By hearing it over and over again.

Note that for the Aramaic text one can choose Kthav Ashuri script to have both Torah and NT testament text using the same Hebrew script. Aramaic and Hebrew have the same alphabet, but scripts used have changed across millennia.



Dec 14 at 11:58 AM

MS and organic eating

I remember when Mitt Romney was running for president, there was talk that his wife managed to improve on her MS, by eating organic. 

Here's an article from those times: 




Dec 10 at 06:24 PM

My first EES 4-hour session

I had my first EES session. TBH I was a little bit skeptical.
But wow, this stuff is real! My body feels like it turned back the clock a few good years! I went initially through something that looked like detox, I had to use the restroom a lot. But once that is over, you have the same feeling of cleanness and rejuvenation as if coming out of a longer fast. 

This is the place: Home - Energy Zone (EESystem) - Vernon Hills - A UNIFYD Member (energyzonevh.com) 
If you are around Vernon Hills IL, give them a try. They have a Fall discount. First time users get a onetime 25% OFF discount and then you also get the 10% off for being a UNIFYD member. The place is very clean and cozy, it feels like home!

They advertise no pets, but don't be thrown off by that. Just talk to Linda and something can be arranged, if your pet is trained. They love pets.

This stuff is real. Give them a try, and you will most probably become a "believer" too.



Dec 03 at 06:09 PM

Learn, and you shall know.

In ROL, Rabbi AA continuously urges Ray to learn Torah in the original Hebrew (and Aramaic). Following on that, I believe I designed an easy to use "system" of learning, even if one doesn't know Hebrew yet.

See Bereshit - 1 (heblang.github.io) with the first Chapter of Torah. 

This should work well on newer phones, older ones might not so well. On desktop computers should work even better.

As audio progresses, each word is highlighted. One can enable a pause between each word of 1, 2, etc. seconds. This allows one to repeat the word or try to read it.

If you tap/click on a word, you should hear the audio for it, and playback continues from that word on.

Each word has the English primary meaning, to allow one to basically to learn the Hebrew language as well. Transliteration can also be enabled.

Questions, feedback appreciated.



Nov 25 at 03:11 AM

Hebrew Gematria Table

For those who want to go deeper into the nuts of bolts of latest ROL released chapter, this table can be of help, I believe.




Nov 24 at 11:38 PM

10 meaning GIVE

So, the number 10 is read TEN in English. In Hebrew TEN means GIVE, as imperative. It seems from here the Gematria meaning is taken that number 10 stands for GIVE.  Can't find that meaning by searching the web, etc.

It sounds like forced/contrived to me, if we say that English is an artificial language, not a divine one, as Hebrew. Or am I missing something? 

I am not arguing, I mostly thinking outload, as it seems anyway, there is no way to get any feedback most of the time on these forums, or any other known places, from people who seem to know what they are talking about. Or do they?



Nov 24 at 10:22 PM

Hertz/Second as unit of measurements

So in newly released ROL chapter and other places, great significance is given to the frequency value in Hertz (number of times pe second) So that implies to me that the 60 based system of time measurement we have now has some mystical value as well then. Anybody knows more on that ? 

If number of Hertz have some divine meaning, then also the unit of time measurement must also have some kind of divine origin? 

Why not measure frequency in a 10 based system, see what I mean? Where is 60 coming from?


Nov 24 at 07:23 PM

WRT the newly ROL released chapter

For those going through the newly released chapter of ROL.
If not already familiar with the information, these small memos about Hebrew/Aramaic Alefbet I put together here could be helpful:


Of course Wikipedia and any other related resources too.

But these are small memos, that should get one up to speed, hopefully quick.


Nov 22 at 03:05 AM

Old saying contradiction.

"Answer not a fool according to his folly,
    lest you be like him yourself.

Answer a fool according to his folly,   
    lest he be wise in his own eyes."

Puzzling, isn't it? When to apply which?