
Chicago, IL, United States

Feb 09 at 11:56 AM

Carmen Snow Politics are really important as it shapes our lives and the lives of the generations after us. But I will be making a conscious effort these days to stay away from it, as it immediately divides. It goes like this: how can you be democrat; you are no good. Or how can you be a republican, you are worse than no good :-). It immediately divides us in camps.

Growing in love and unity is more important these days, so I'll bite my tongue and stay away from topics regarded as politics, as much a reasonable possible.

Although it is impossible not to fall under the umbrella of "politics", if you hold beliefs that are not 100% in line with what is considered as "truth" in the predominant culture today.

Feb 09 at 03:07 AM

Carmen Snow We are requesting a group focused on studying Rays of Light. Feel free to add your Like to that request, it is here in this thread, can't reference it directly.


Feb 08 at 07:24 PM

♡999♡ That's when I also see things moving. When you cry out like you really mean it. It doesn't really have to be audible voice, but cry of the inner man, that is so load that it goes from one end of the Universe to the other (or so I believe it happens).

"In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence."


Feb 08 at 01:08 PM

Carmen Snow you are welcome. There is a lot to digest there. That could keep you busy for months. From what I gather from Jason, all the TLS agents study these 2 documents very thoroughly(and others that are not made public yet)


Feb 08 at 12:59 PM

Carmen Snow

Rays of Light: https://www.jasonshurka.com/rol

There is also The Pyramid Code (Torata HaPyramida): https://www.jasonshurka.com/thepyramidcode


Feb 07 at 07:42 PM


Hanging in there bro. I finally decided to go to the Transformation event. It would have been nice if I could see you there too. Maybe another occasion. If you ever in Gurnee area give me a holler.


Replied on Dear diary

Feb 05 at 05:13 PM

Rachael strever The words of truth can obliterate those blocks. "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free".

But I agree in some cases there needs to be some kind of intervention. Some people, because of mentioned blockages, can't even allow themselves to be exposed to the words of truth, healing, love, joy, peace, etc. Or due to wrong teaching/bad experiences/bad models/etc. they have trouble taking them in. But if we persist, we overcome.

Replied on Dear diary

Feb 05 at 01:08 PM

"The Black Widow" in Disclosure 5, gives examples of when she just had to be someplace and almost nothing more.

Helping someone it is just one of the things somebody may be asked to do. Ray is a man of means, so one of his callings is to help many, it seems. But not everybody has the same callings. 

Replied on post was deleted

Feb 05 at 01:15 AM

angela michelle watkins That's why we are here, to remind each other and to encourage each other. Sometimes we forget things that we knew quite well. Or we just don't see it for a while and then like a veil is lifted up and realize, we may have been used by higher ups in such unbelievable and miraculous ways like those described by TLS or others, we just forgot or didn't realize it.

Replied on post was deleted

Feb 05 at 01:08 AM

angela michelle watkins I hear you, I know the feeling. You know the answer to the problem, but they can't hear you... Sometimes it comforts me that even Jesus could not get to many, even though he totally knew what they needed, and they did ask for help. That's why he kept on saying, "He who has ears, let them hear".

Sometimes we "hear" later, after a good seed planted starts to grow. So the effort is not in vain (sometimes).