
Chicago, IL, United States

Dec 23 at 06:19 PM

Abbey Skinner

I listened to the interview on Unifyd with Dr. Lana Morrow. Thank you for posting that. I am not familiar with the technology, but it sounds like something great to try to break the initial chain of dependency.

I plan on listening again, but my initial understanding is that there still no replacement for basically solving the root problem. Otherwise in the end is just replacing one dependency with another. Dr. Lana Morrow seems to me quite specific about the need to practice the spiritual disciplines that gets one to the point where the inside is thriving.

But to get there, there may be a need for a while to use helpers, like certain technologies, etc. Whatever works to solve the crisis, before it's too late.

But long-term solution still comes from the inside. We need to recognize we are spirits, not only bodies, and we need to feed the whole of us to become overcomers. 


Dec 23 at 11:22 AM

Abbey Skinner

It is amazing; indeed, each session has its own uniqueness. The buzz you are talking about started for me by this third session, in my smashed thumb and in the gums, just above the teeth, especially on the side where I had some more intense dentistry work done. 

The second session was more on the spiritual side, that's why I said it was surreal. It's also the one where I fell asleep very deeply.

Dec 23 at 01:40 AM

Christy Overton  if this speaks to you, feel free to ask questions, observations, clarifications, etc.

A lot of people cannot believe it can be that simple... But it is. Life was not meant to be impossible to figure out, I believe. On the contrary. "Flying" is easy, it's our natural element.


Dec 22 at 11:53 PM

My third EES Session

I had my third EES session today. I also took my fat cat with me. Hopefully he is helped by it. He slept like a baby all throughout it.

Not much unusual this time around. Last session where I had my dog with me was surreal.

What was new this time was my thumb which I basically smashed about 4 years ago, by dropping furniture on it (X-Ray showed it was basically smashed and I need to be careful with it all the time not to hit it, otherwise pain is pretty bad).

This time around my thumb was all tingly. And also, my gums started to tingle.  Hopefully that means healing.


Dec 22 at 11:22 PM

About the Bibles to listen to. In the past I listened to NIV and ESV audio bibles. These days I am trying to go straight to the original, so I am listening to the work I wrote at these links:

Bereshit - 1 (heblang.github.io)

Mattai 1 (aramlang.github.io)

Mattai 6 - Our Father (aramlang.github.io)

I plan more chapters.

Believe me, sometimes the joy, love and such, it's so high after listening, that I need to take a break, as my body is a little bit behind. At times, it feels it's a little bit too much being for too long at that level of vibration. I need to purify my body more, so it can be in tune to where the Spirit wants to take it.

It is all natural, real and simple. We are more than just bodies; we need to feed our spirits and our souls too.


Dec 22 at 11:13 PM

Jason also talks about how since he became aware of the higher way of living, he simply does not desire beer any longer.


Dec 22 at 11:12 PM

In my personal life, I see if I "activate" my spirit, then that much sought after tranquility, comes naturally and life is all of the sudden wonderful.

How do I activate? Rabbi AA explains it in much detail in Rays of Light and Jason also captures it in some of his books. Torah (the Bible) is food for the spirit and soul. When we feast ourselves on those holy writings, we activate our spirits and tranquility, and a life of fulfilment comes as natural as it can be. That kind of living is in enmity with being slave to alcohol, drugs or whatever other addictive substances. We naturally no longer desire them; they cannot co-exist.

Concretely how? One way is, listening to the Bible any chance you get. You can have one of the audio bibles that are easily available out there. Just see what happens...


Dec 22 at 11:00 PM

Christy Overton I hope what I am saying next does not sound like "preaching" but as my true intention: trying to help, out of simple love and compassion.

In my own experience, I find out that there is a reason why these 2 are put together in contrast: wine (beer, alcohol, addictive substances) and being filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18 - And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but… | ESV.org

"And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit."

I believe we are meant and designed to live life being "filled with the Spirit". Or the way Jason puts it, doing the will of the eternal soul. When we live like that, we are full of joy, piece, love and tranquility. That kind of state is something we experience naturally when babies and we always long to come back to it. As we grow, we may lose that.

Now alcohol and other addictive substances come as replacements, but it's fleeting and destructive to our bodies. Continuing in next message.

Dec 20 at 12:30 PM

Or a great Psalm?

Dec 20 at 12:29 PM

I am wondering what text should we do next? The 10 commandments? Or maybe 1Chor 13, the ode to love?