
Chicago, IL, United States

Mar 28 at 05:44 PM

♥︎999♥︎ hey check your email, don't be so lazy 🦥

Mar 27 at 11:13 PM

There was a very nice explanation about the kinds of dreams and role of the dreams given by Jason at Transformation event. For me it was very useful.

Mar 19 at 01:23 PM

I prophet that is different than everybody else around him, is rather an abnormality. Because every single one of us should be living at the level the prophet lives. It is something that is available to any single one of us. "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father."The days of single big shots should be over. That was an abnormality, now we all should be like prophets/like Jesus, etc. That we are not there yet, is in itself an abnormality.

Mar 18 at 12:09 PM

♥︎999♥︎ Please check your email. I know you barely do, so that's why I mention it here.

Mar 18 at 11:29 AM

we can move to safer alternatives, once on telegram, etc.


Mar 18 at 11:24 AM

Hey ♥︎999♥︎ Daddy Dragon

Looks like we missed each other. Shall we say today 7PM Central? Or propose another time, if that does not work.

Mar 18 at 09:09 AM

Daddy Dragon Mike Adams talks about these phones that don't have tracking on them. We could at least make "them" have to do some work :-) . If you want more information I could look into it more.


♥︎999♥︎ I use telegram, Daddy Dragon are you using it? Caleb at Transformation we were told about the power of the small steps. Everything big starts small. Putting our powers and experiences together, could be the first small step. We cannot just wait and hope that some day, a mysterious and unknown organization would invite us or whatever. In fact, they may be already helping and working on us, but not by the means we'd be expecting...  


Mar 18 at 01:44 AM

Daddy Dragon I didn't know you were already interacting with ♥︎999♥︎ 

See what I wrote in the other comments wrt to your first message. I know other people, maybe we can join forces and be kind of our own so called "TLS" given that they seem to have their own things going. Plus Jason says they are omnipotent, but then in other places he says they don't do certain things out of fear for their own safety. In the end we may have misplaced hopes, we all have to come together and keep us safe each other. What do you guys think?
