
Chicago, IL, United States

There may still be people who want to sell their spot, for various reasons. Contact Cassidy. I am not sure if I am supposed to post her email here. UNIFYD TV can you please help?

Mar 05 at 11:51 AM

So that's why I can't login to Transformation event on FB?


Mar 04 at 06:05 PM

♥︎999♥︎ You have no idea how much needed was to be reminded to Hakuna Matata!. You are very sensitive spiritually. Thank you, brother.


Mar 04 at 04:49 PM

Taber Brookshire I think you draw conclusions a little too hastily. You would be hard pressed to overtake me in how many hours I put into studying this stuff. Now I see it all over the place, they definitely signal stuff, and much of it I understand what it means. But let's also be open to the idea that in this case, as this picture captures it, could be just grown-up kids playing with their fingers.

Mar 04 at 04:45 PM

♥︎999♥︎ I am not saying this is not happening, they do it all over the place, with clear intent and very clearly. But in this case, at least with this picture, doesn't seem that clear, it could be also just a coincidence. I think at least in Trump's case, when I've seen it, he was just doing it that same way I used to do it, when bored and in front of people. Now I will pay attention not to do it, but I can assure you in my case there was no intent whatsoever to signal anything, just trying to contain my uneasiness for being in front of people, watched by all, while doing nothing. 


UNIFYD TV I see, I am certainly not in the known wrt to these matters (shrooms, etc.). All I know as experience, is that switching to vegan in my late 30ies resulted in being taken off all the medications I was taking at the time. There was no more need for them, I cured myself of all the issues caused by a meat-based diet. Then I got lazy and introduced meat again, slowly by slowly, after many years being vegan (mostly because kids wanted meat, as they saw their peers). Now in my fifties, I recently switched to mostly vegan again, as among other, I don't want to develop the same health problems I had in my thirties. It seems it also has a spiritual impact, I started to have all these spiritual experiences, after I switched to vegan, plus taking in the words of the Scriptures as food for the inner man. Reason I am here is that I could identify with some of the stuff Ray talks about, as I also experienced it. Although not quite at such levels as he was graced to reach. I want to get there too!


Is drinking vegan hot chocolate, in the same company as using shrooms? Confused about the association.

Mar 01 at 02:27 AM

♥︎999♥︎ hey bro, no I have greatest respect for you. I believe you are a giant, as far as spiritual sensitivity goes. If you don't tire along the way, you WILL get really far. I almost envy you, how deeply and early in life you got the "secret" of LOVE. God bless you, bro.

I think the vibe you feel coming out is a wound of mine of the past where unfortunately I put a lot of energy and time in this Q thing, only to realize I've been taken for an inteligence services ride/psyop, with a thing that ended up almost completely divorced from actual, factual reality. In a way, I am trying to _protect_ you bro, to not have to go through the same hurt. Because when the realization come is quite hurtful. I probably know way more about this operation than you had a chance to invest time and research in yet. Possibly even more that this guy with the site. I allowed to be a little bit ironic, maybe I shouldn't have had, in the hope we see the divorce from reality, in the current state of things.