Kayla Liebeck

Thank you. Very enjoyable. I thank you for doing this. I learned a few things! ❤️❤️🕊️🌍

Love this! You are excellent in your way of speaking. I try. But it’s not for me to be as exact and just great as you. I put tidbits out there. Or 🔥 sparks! Especially about being sick and near death. So many believe the wrong way that we caused this. Yes and no! Lol. Hope to see and hear you more. This world truly needs you. Truth and comfort together. Amazing! 🙏❤️🕊️

Commented on Inner Reset Meditation

Oct 31 at 03:13 PM

One of my favorites! 🙏. Your voice and energy, It comes across clearly! Namaste.

Commented on OM 369 Meditation

Oct 31 at 03:11 PM

Love this! Thank you. Ahhhh. 🙏 namaste

Commented on A Shielding Meditation

Oct 31 at 03:10 PM

Ahhhhh! Wonderful! 🙏

Replied on Watch The Water I

Oct 31 at 07:32 AM

Since it’s not actually viral! 😆

Commented on Watch The Water II

Oct 31 at 07:23 AM

Lol. I’m looked at strangely when I tell them! There’s just too many facts out there. The truth. Thanks all! I share. But so many sleeping people. I thank my intuition not to get any vaccines.

Oct 28 at 07:54 AM

It can take years! Same time each day at first. Don’t give up. My first attempt I literally envisioned all white space and a door slam in my face! I felt bereft. Kept going. No fear. Blessings.

Oct 28 at 07:51 AM

There’s many here on this site. I read about it. But was able through asking God, source, however you think of it , to learn very well. I have reached high states of meditation. Hours. I was drawn to a certain Tibetan chant with music on YouTube that’s deep and I found helpful to go very deep. Hours long and ad free.

Oct 28 at 07:46 AM

Interesting! I wouldn’t listen to psychics though. We all have our own ability. Given from God by way of the spirit. They can and do give right info sometimes. But this universe was made to have a shifting that can and does make them very wrong. Changing peoples destinies. Their own will aligned with Gods. They actually commit murder. Think deep. Apocryphon of John. Hidden from the world a long time. Things Jesus and others have been telling us but dogma ruined. Blessings and truth I pray for you. Ask God for truth. If you’re ready he will send the Holy Spirit to you. Gnostics call this gnosis. It’s an experience like no other. Your life will change. You will be given truths , led to what you need to know for your growth and mankind’s.