Kayla Liebeck

Oct 28 at 07:25 AM

Faith. And remembrance. Perseverance. Get rid of shame and guilt. Forgive yourself of your sins in prayer with the one eternal God. Love. Real love. Gods love is the only 100% in this world. .999999 ECT Is the only other of any number. 99.9. The 9 goes on and on. They may know what could happen. It depends on mankind. The actual outcome. Light over dark. Choose. Some people love this world. As is. Some of us don’t. Our loving God will take care of this. As promised.

Oct 28 at 07:14 AM

Why not just say it? Have no fear. My belief is everything is created out of God , he is the all. Yet he is nothing. I call the Demiurge as the one that created a great deal of this world. The psychos. We are living under him. We can change this. Faith in the one God. Truth. No fear. I would shed my blood for the truths. Speak your truth. Now is the time. No fear.

Oct 28 at 07:05 AM

They are able to fly! Like a ship. In the air.

Not me! 😜 I want money. Always. Very young I knew I should be rich. Married , he has serious block. Right use of money. Thank you for this.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Oct 26 at 08:55 AM

The sin was not ours. We need to correct it. 

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Oct 26 at 08:54 AM

With love. A little violence for protection if needed. Gods love and protection should suffice if you believe with all your heart, soul, mind. Learn what Gods words really mean through various prophets. Religion matters not. We all are under one God. Language and men themselves are the barriers to this. Some women too. When allowed any power at all. 


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Oct 26 at 08:50 AM

Patience with people. We all have different amounts of spirit / light in us. All on a journey. Be happy they are here and want to learn. These thought need not to be put out there. Hate , massive hate by many people brings bad , dark forces. Seems evil. But it’s people that do this. The holocaust taught me this. Just could not understand why so many hated the Jews. Look back to the propaganda about them. And blacks. And Indians. And many many more. Thoughts and words with hate or even disgust brings what many would call evil. 

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Oct 26 at 08:45 AM

It has been spoken about. You choose to come back to this world. Karma many would call it, other names for it too. Maybe they did something in another life they felt they needed to make right. Forgive yourselves. No shame. No guilt. Repent. Ask God to clean you of all those old things. All this has been said here. I’m only slightly confused about karma. Is it the devils or our own actually. An eye for an eye. Revenge is not ours. 


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Oct 26 at 08:40 AM

Faith not fear. It’s deep within you. I believe some bible and other books were manipulated likely for both good and bad reasons. The wrong got their hands on information that gave them powers they learned to use for dark reasons. Now the light workers are gaining this knowledge. And power. Hopefully not misusing the energy and light in ways they should not. Fear only your fear. I pray for comfort from God for you. Please do the same. The spirit is swift. She’ll comfort you. Yes I believe the spirit is female. And our mother. 


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Oct 26 at 08:33 AM

I will keep an open mind here. Won’t judge what you say. If it’s your truth then thank you for speaking it. I pray for your safety. If it was me I would rather tell all to everyone and be murdered. Truth matters. 
