Kayla Liebeck

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Oct 18 at 05:43 AM

The government or whoever will not give me a chip with my knowledge. I was bugged and treated badly about refusing the vaccines. How can they come up with a vaccine so quickly when many had no clue what Covid is? CDC is a crazy place. Heart and mind joined

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Oct 18 at 05:34 AM

There’s so little true evil in this world. God protects these children. Hard to fathom I know. But true. If that child could talk to their parents they would comfort them. You are better gaining Gods light and forgiveness , not want to murder these people. Can’t fight dark with dark. Only love and light. Death penalty is the most pre- meditated murder in the world. Many countries have abolished it. Many states in the USA. This is one of the hardest things in the world. Faith.


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Oct 18 at 05:13 AM

Take heart. Most of are here for right reasons. Some maybe are awakening. It will take time. Some are here out of curiosity. Conspiracy theorists. Send sparks of love and light. I’m trying hard to do this. Better with love , encouragement, than getting anxious over it. Much love to you. And patience.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Oct 17 at 07:01 PM

Beautifully said about free will. I always wondered , meditated, studied and listen about serial killers. They have no will. Perhaps pawns of karma.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Oct 17 at 06:55 PM

Hello beloveds. Kayla. Born Roswell , NM. Now in NW CT. USA.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Oct 16 at 08:53 PM

I am the resurrection and the light amen🙏❤️🕊️


Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Oct 16 at 08:50 PM

Amen brother. I’m so glad I finally found you. And TLS. No fear. Jesus is Here. I have studied many religions. I take a little of all religions. No dogma. I am the truth, the light , and the way Amen


Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Oct 16 at 01:40 PM

May I be nosy enough to know why you have a lion on that wal?🎶😜✌️

Oct 16 at 11:43 AM

With all respect , do you actually understand everything he’s saying? There’s a lot out there on the web. The info he’s talking about , carefully, is not easily accessible. It takes a long time. If your not trusted by whomever, I’m gnostic, I say the spirit is sent for gnosis. Knowledge. Not the easiest road. But you will learn. Please keep an open mind. Many aren’t given this because they can’t handle it. Jesus tells you this. I feel we should be further along as a whole. But only the source can decide when and with who is ready for such truths.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Oct 16 at 09:03 AM

Revenge is not ours people. God we ll take care of that. Persevere. Patience. Many of us want changes. But love is a commandment. Remember Jesus words and other prophets and Saints. Dark can only be overcome with light and love. Violence only when needed. To protect innocence. How can any of us judge that? What a person seems to you may not be what they are. Loved the part about reading eyes. Kids eyes are akin to looking into Gods eyes. Be a martyr If you have to. I’d lay my body down for God, Jesus. Remember love.